International Students


In SEMS we welcome students from all over the world onto all our degree programmes. We have a mixed and varied student population; some visit us for a semester or an academic year, while others opt to complete their entire degree in SEMS.

International Student Entry Requirements

We will consider international qualifications from all over the world. You can see our SEMS entry requirements and use our International pages to determine whether your qualifications are acceptable. However if your qualifications are not suitable for entry to the degree programme you may be interested in one of our foundation programmes. If you are unsure then please contact us directly with details of your qualifications.

International Student Fees

QMUL's current policy on tuition fees is set out on the central international student fees page. In addition, the Advice and Counselling Service has lots of useful information on money matters.

International Scholarships

We have a number of scholarships and bursaries available for international students. Please visit our scholarships web page for the most up-to-date information on deadlines, eligibility criteria and award amounts.

Study Abroad at QMUL 

Incoming Students

The School of Engineering and Materials Sciences welcomes students from all over the world to study abroad with us for a semester or full academic year. Students on both the Study Abroad and Erasmus+ Programmes are welcome to select modules (classes) to study with us. Students can choose modules both in our School as well as cross-register in other academic departments. To find out more and apply please see the programme links listed below.

Choosing Modules (Classes)

For a list of modules available to Study Abroad and Erasmus+ students please view our online module directory

Contact us

If you have any queries about studying abroad in the School of Engineering and Materials Science please contact our academic advisor:

Study Abroad & Erasmus +  Coordinator: Dr Adrian Briggs

For general enquiries about the programmes please contact the Global Opportunities Office on 

Outgoing Students 

QMUL has a range of opportunities for you to study abroad as part of your degree with the School of Engineering and Materials Science. Having an international experience enhances your employability, enriches your studies and broadens your horizons. 

You can choose to study abroad as part of your degree programme or take part in one of our Summer Cultural Immersion programmes with our global partners. To find out more and apply please see the programme links listed below.

Where can I go?

For a full list of institutions students from the School of Engineering and Materials Science can study abroad at please view the programme links above. 

Choosing modules

Please contact the academic school coordinator to find out about choosing modules and how studying abroad works for your degree programme.

Study Abroad & Erasmus +  Coordinator: Dr Adrian Briggs

Find out more about choosing modules, grade conversion and credit transfer for the International Exchange Programme or Erasmus+ Programme.

For general enquiries about the programmes please contact the Global Opportunities Office programme managers:

International Exchange Programme Manager: Harry Gibney

Erasmus+ Manager: Wiebke Leugers

Come along to the Go Abroad Fair which take place annually in October and find out more about study abroad opportunities. 

Further Information

You may find some useful information on our QMUL International Pages