Dr Saqib Raza Jivani


Research Group News

March 2024

MEng project presentation prize winners

Postgraduate students present research at ILF March 2024

18 March 2024

Our MEng and MSc students presented their Research Projects at the Industrial Liaison Forum on 6th March 2024. Our MEng students conduct team projects in their fourth year in groups of four to six students. Currently towards the end of their projects, they were able to present a mix of prototypes, … [more]

January 2022

The in person recipients line up for a photo at the annual award ceremony. More than half of the staff in the photo are from SEMS.

SEMS Staff Receive Many Awards at the Science and Engineering Faculty Awards Ceremony.

27 January 2022

The Science and Engineering Faculty Celebration took place in the Octagon to a large assembled in person gathering and was broadcast simultaneously online to an even larger audience on the 27th January 2022. SEMS had a very large number of the awards with Andrew Spowage winning the Faculty Award for Internationalisation … [more]