Prof Pankaj Vadgama
MB, BS, PhD, FRCPath, CPhys, FInstP, EuSpLM


Research Funding

On this page:

Previous Funded Research Projects

Drinking Water from Rain: a standalone green energy powered rainwater purification system

Funding source: Royal Society
Start: 01-12-2019  /  End: 30-11-2021

Thin polymer films and surface functionalisation chemistry.

Funding source: Camstech Ltd, Campus Technology Hub,
Start: 15-10-2018  /  End: 31-12-2019

Polymer thin films are being coated on optically active silver and gold nanoparticles for hand held biosensing.

Portable Optofluidics Sensor

Funding source: E.P.S.R.C.
Start: 20-07-2016  /  End: 31-03-2017

Medical Devices & Vulnerable Skin Network

Funding source: E.P.S.R.C.
Start: 01-10-2016  /  End: 16-12-2016

UKIERE-DTS Thematic Partnerships

Funding source: British Council
Start: 15-09-2014  /  End: 14-09-2016

14tsb_NAT A Novel Integrated BBB_Brain Model

Funding source: B.B.S.R.C.
Start: 01-09-2014  /  End: 31-01-2016

Innovation Fund: Textile Based Chemical Sensors

Funding source: E.P.S.R.C.
Start: 01-12-2014  /  End: 30-09-2015

ABREM - Marie Curie

Funding source: Commission of the European Community
Start: 01-08-2010  /  End: 31-07-2015

Previous PhD Studentship Projects

Industrial CASE Studentship Award 2011

Funding source: E.P.S.R.C. / TWI Ltd
Start: 01-10-2011  /  End: 30-09-2016

Other Research Projects

Universal permeability testing in biological systems (BBSRC supported)

A broader plaform for investigating mass transport in biological systems is under development. This relies on optimised bio- and chemical sensors, and is intended as a robust assay capability and one that is available more broadly through commercial development.

Permeability determination for mass transport in tissue engineering (Industry China UK funded)

A China collaboration has been set up to investigate the use of transducers for determining the mass transport of oxygen and metabolites in cell loaded avascular 3-D constructs as used in tissue engineering and biohybrid organ replacement systems. Computational advances have provided exact solutions to Fickian diffusion…

Optical fibre biosensors Koerber funded project on photonic crystal fibres for chemical sensing

Photonic optical crystals siginficantly advance the optical and waveguide capabilities of current fiberoptic platforms. Based on this new technology, an international collaboration has been set up which in part is developing optical chemical and biosensors. Through use of traditional chemistries and receptor molecules, it is…

Novel Sensor for Point of Care Testing

Project awarded to Camstech Ltd, a spin out company of the Biosensors Group aimed at Raman interrogation of immuoaffinity binding reactions.

Microfluidics for cell monitoring EPSRC funded project on microfluidic devices as microbioreactors with associated sensor based monitoring

Controlled flow at low dimensions enables exceptional manipulation of solute ad cellular transport processes. Through this means it has been possible to interface liquid-liquid flows with high stability. The current sudies utilise polymerisation substrates to create intra channel barrier micro-membranes. These are variously used…

Implantable sensors and remote monitoring NEAT funded project on low power wireless transmission for invasive sensors

The project looks at a broad platform for the integration of various electrophysiological, chemical and biosensors with transmittor platforms for low power communication to external monitor systems. This would enable remote tracking of dynamic biochemical, cardiac and other changes for rapid therapeutic intervention. The work…

Functional 3D Patterning of Soft Matter

This project aims to develop a new fabrication process to create functional molecular patterns within 3D hydrogels. These anisotropic hydrogels would enable the precise in vitro recreation of complex biological scenarios found in healthy or diseased tissues with applications in drug screening, improve biological studies, and tissue engineering.

Elite athlete monitoring using a range of invivo and exvivo chemicals and biosensors for metabolite and ion measurement

A collaborative programme on elite athlete monitoring has commenced with Loughborough University and Imperial College. This involves use of a range of in vivo and exvivo chemicals and biosensors for metabolite and ion measurement.