Dr Oliver Fenwick


Research Group News

May 2024

Discussion with industry representatives at the SEMS stand

SEMS Exhibits at the Advanced Materials Fair in Birmingham

16 May 2024

SEMS technology was exhibited at the Advanced Materials Show at the NEC in Birmingham. This trade fair, which takes place alongside the Advanced Ceramics Show, the Vehicle Electrification Expo and the Battery Cells & Systems Expo featured over 300 exhibitors along with 100 speakers, and attracted more than 4000 visitors. Our exhibit displayed … [more]

March 2024

Students get stuck in at Advanced Healthcare Limited

130 students go on industrial site visits during a successful Skills and Employability Week

27 March 2024

During the recent Skills and Employability Week, several groups of engineering students signed up for visits to various sites, including Thales Transportation, Southeast London Combined Heat and Power Plant (SELCHP), Advanced Healthcare Limited (AHL) and 3M. At Thales Transportation, students saw how they control the Hammersmith, Circle and Metropolitan line &… [more]

Winner Sarina Mathew (Year 4 MBBS & Intercalated BSc)

Undergraduate research posters win prizes at ILF

18 March 2024

Students from across the School of Engineering and Materials Science, including the Queen Mary Centre for Undergraduate Research (QMCUR), third year BEng students, and the Intercalated BSc in Bioengineering presented their research projects at the Industrial Liaison Forum on 6th March 2024. All students engaged in lively discussion with our academics … [more]

MEng project presentation prize winners

Postgraduate students present research at ILF March 2024

18 March 2024

Our MEng and MSc students presented their Research Projects at the Industrial Liaison Forum on 6th March 2024. Our MEng students conduct team projects in their fourth year in groups of four to six students. Currently towards the end of their projects, they were able to present a mix of prototypes, … [more]

From top left: Onik Alam, Ines Fernandez Calderon and Abhishek Patel with Prof James Busfield and Dr Oliver Fenwick.

MSc Extended Research Project poster prize winners at ILF March 2024

17 March 2024

Our MSc students presented their Extended Research Projects at the Industrial Liaison Forum on 6th March 2024. Our MSc projects run from semester 1 through to August, so they are currently only about half-way through their projects. Nonetheless, they were able to give an excellent account of their work so far and … [more]

November 2023

Many colleagues from SEMS attended the celebration including Olly Fenwick, Thomas Iskratsch, Karin Hing and Wei Tan being congratulated in the photo by Martin, Wen and James.

SEMS team recognised at QMUL Academic Promotions Event

21 November 2023

On 21st November QMUL hosted an event to celebrate the staff who have been promoted in the most recent academic promotion rounds. As we reported back in September, this was a very successful outcome for SEMS with 12 of our colleagues being promoted across all the different academic grades, reflecting the … [more]

Emma Sadler with Dr Oliver Fenwick

Emma Sadler wins the PDRA prize at the 2023 SEMS ILF Research Showcase

15 November 2023

At the SEMS recent research led Industrial Liaison Forum, there were nine Postdoctoral Research Associate (PRDA) flash presentations. The session was of great interest to faculty, PDRAs, students and attending industrialists alike. After careful deliberation panel of judges awarded the following prize: Emma Sadler for a presentation on 'Superhydrophobic Surfaces: … [more]

From top left: Francisco Rubén Parra-Perea, Laura Forster and Yuan Zhang, with Dr Oliver Fenwick.

Award Winning Research Students in 2023 SEMS ILF Research Showcase

14 November 2023

At the recent SEMS research-led Industrial Liaison Forum, there was a showcase from 60 of our current PhD students. The panel of judges this year were made up a wide range of early career researchers (Dr Luis Murillo Herrera, Mr Eugenio Sebastian Suena Galindez, Dr Clemence Nadal, Dr Oliver Brookes and … [more]

SEMS students at Teledyne e2v

Undergraduate Engineers Visit Teledyne e2v

9 November 2023

Fifteen SEMS students were hosted at Teledyne e2v in Chelmsford as part of our Industrial Site Visits Programme for undergraduate engineering students. Teledyne is a leader in semiconductor devices, full spectrum imaging and high-power radio frequency solutions. They are present in virtually all markets and industries from medical … [more]

The SEMS Research Showcase at the Industrial Liaison Forum

SEMS Industrial Liaison Forum, November 2023

8 November 2023

We were pleased to once again hold the bi-annual Industrial Liaison Forum live in-person at Queen Mary University of London on 8th November 2023 in the People's Palace. The event was well attended by staff and students as well as industrialists. The day was broken up into five parts, starting … [more]

October 2023

SEMS Systems Engineering Industrial Advisory Board inaugural meeting

Queen Mary forms a new Industrial Advisory Board on Systems Engineering

31 October 2023

The School of Engineering and Materials Science (SEMS) at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) has established a new Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) on Systems Engineering in October 2023 to ensure that the School’s Systems Engineering programmes meet the international standards and needs of industry, and the School students … [more]

July 2023

Students and staff with last year's Aston Martin F1 car

School of Engineering and Materials Science students visit Aston Martin F1

13 July 2023

A group of 15 SEMS students visited the new Aston Martin F1 team at Silverstone a few days before the British Grand Prix. The visit was a part of the Make a Mark Day at the AMR Technology Campus, which aimed to inspire the next generation and showcase STEM career opportunities … [more]

April 2023

Andrew Pemberton (Present Elect, INCOSE UK) and Graham Herries (Chair of Innovation and Skills, IET) delivering keynotes.

SEMS runs first Industrial Workshop on Systems Engineering: toward sustainable digital systems

24 April 2023

SEMS' Systems Engineering team - led by Dr Mohammad Hassannezhad - ran an industrial workshop with focus on digital transformation, sustainability and skill gaps, on 24 April at QM's Digital Environment Research Institute (DERI). The workshop brought together a group of 17 industry practitioners from 14 different companies in eight … [more]

November 2022

Research showcase

SEMS November Industrial Liaison Forum including PhD Research Showcase and and Student Awards

9 November 2022

We were pleased to once again hold the bi-annual Industrial Liaison Forum live in-person at Queen Mary University of London on 9th November 2022 in the Octagon. The event was well attended by staff and students as well as industrialists. The day was broken up into five parts, starting in the … [more]

Prize winners

November Prize-giving for SEMS' Taught Students

9 November 2022

At the Industrial Liaison Forum on 9th November 2022, we celebrated the achievements of some of our best taught students. Over 20 prizes were awarded by the School. These were awarded across subject and year groups and included "Academic Achievement Prizes as well as "Best Project Prizes". One "… [more]

April 2022

Dr Fenwick kicks off the Industrial Liaison Forum in The Octagon

SEMS Industrial Liaison Forum April 2022

6 April 2022

Our bi-annual Industrial Liaison Forum was held in-person at Queen Mary University of London on 6th April 2022. We received over 50 external visitors from industry as well as Alumni. The day started with our final year student project showcase, where a fantastic selection of posters were presented by our BEng and … [more]

BEng poster prize winner, Ghala Alsaigh

BEng Research Project poster prize winners at ILF April 2022

6 April 2022

Selected 3rd year BEng students presented posters on their research projects at the Industrial Liaison on 6th April 2022. We had over 50 external visitors at the event from industry as well as Alumni. The posters were displayed at the Final Year Student Project Showcase in the morning, where a fantastic selection … [more]

MSc prize-winner, Ivan Tánczos

MSc Extended Research Project poster prize winners at ILF April 2022

6 April 2022

Our MSc students presented their Extended Research Projects at the Industrial Liaison Forum on 6th April 2022. Our MSc projects run from semester 1 through to August, so they are currently only about half-way through their projects. Nonetheless, they were able to give an excellent account of their work so far and … [more]

MEng project presentation prize winners

MEng Group Project Presentation prize awarded at ILF April 2022

6 April 2022

Our MEng students presented their Research & Design Team Projects at the Industrial Liaison Forum on 6th April 2022. Our MEng students conduct team projects in their 4th year in groups of about 5 students. Currently towards the end of their projects, they were able to present a mix of prototypes, samples … [more]

January 2022

The in person recipients line up for a photo at the annual award ceremony. More than half of the staff in the photo are from SEMS.

SEMS Staff Receive Many Awards at the Science and Engineering Faculty Awards Ceremony.

27 January 2022

The Science and Engineering Faculty Celebration took place in the Octagon to a large assembled in person gathering and was broadcast simultaneously online to an even larger audience on the 27th January 2022. SEMS had a very large number of the awards with Andrew Spowage winning the Faculty Award for Internationalisation … [more]

July 2021

ZT measurement chip

Aligned polymer films convert heat to electricity more efficiently

13 July 2021

Research in the School of Engineering and Materials Science has shown a 25-fold improvement in the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) in aligned polymer films. Thermoelectric materials have the ability to convert heat in the form of temperature gradients into electricity. Research in Dr Fenwick's group has been focussing … [more]

February 2021

Cross-section scanning electron micrograph of the solar cell structure, with schematic of AACVD setup overlaid.

Researchers demonstrate a new method for scalable deposition of hybrid perovskites for solar cells

5 February 2021

A new paper by Ryley Ratnasingham, supervised by Dr Joe Briscoe (SEMS, QMUL) and Prof Martyn McLachlan (Imperial College London) as part of the Plastic Electronics CDT has been published in Materials Advances, which reports the first ever working perovskite solar cell (PSC) using a hybrid perovskite material deposited by … [more]

September 2020

Thermoelectric Energy Conversion Materials Roadmap

UK Materials Science Community delivers its strategic response to net-zero emissions challenge

30 September 2020

In May 2019 the UK Government became the first global economy to set a net zero emissions target for 2050, upgrading the previous target of delivering an 80% cut in emissions. The move followed the publication of the Committee on Climate Change’s (CCC) ‘Net Zero’ report. In response, the Henry Royce Institute … [more]

July 2020

Tianjun Liu

Tianjun Liu Passes his PhD Viva

8 July 2020

Tiajun Liu has successfully defended his thesis entitled "Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Thermoelectric Materials". His thesis was already selected as the best in the Materials Division this year and his work has been published in Nature Communications, Nanoscale, Advanced Materials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and other journals. Tianjun has been an integral … [more]

June 2020

Thibault at the Plastic Electronic Materials Winter School in Switzerland

Thibault Degousée successfully passes his PhD viva

30 June 2020

Thibault Degousée has successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Organic thermoelectric materials". His work covered structure-property relationships in polymer materials used to convert waste heat into electricity. Thibault was employed on a SEMS studentship, but also travelled to Italy several times to conduct X-ray scattering experiments through the Royal … [more]

May 2020

Crystal structure of a 1-dimensional organometal halide semiconductor

Renewal of Royal Society University Research Fellowship for Dr Fenwick to study low dimensional energy materials

15 May 2020

Nanomaterials have dimensions less than 100 billionths of a metre, and on these length scales they can acquire completely new properties. Examples include metal quantum dots less than 10 nanometres in diameter which emit light, or graphene which, being a single layer of carbon atoms, is nano-sized in one dimension and exhibits … [more]

December 2019

Diagram showing how thermoelectric materials use differences in temperature to generate electricity

Fine-tuning thermoelectric materials for cheaper renewable energy

17 December 2019

Researchers from Queen Mary University of London have developed new thermoelectric materials, which could provide a low-cost option for converting heat energy into electricity.  Materials known as halide perovskites have been proposed as affordable alternatives to existing thermoelectric materials, however so far research into their suitability for thermoelectric applications has … [more]

July 2019

Characterising Paragraf graphene using a range of techniques

Queen Mary and Paragraf awarded £500,000 to explore using Graphene to replace rare metal Indium

10 July 2019

Queen Mary University of London and the graphene-device company Paragraf have been awarded £500,000 by Innovate UK to explore using graphene to replace the rare metal Indium. The Queen Mary research will be led by Sir Colin Humphreys from the School of Engineering and Materials Science, with co-investigators Dr Oliver Fenwick … [more]

April 2019

Mock circulatory system used to demonstrate targetted drug delivery

SEMS researchers demonstrate targeted drug delivery at TeenTech London

3 April 2019

SEMS researchers demonstrated a working model of drug delivery using magnetic nanoparticles at a TeenTech event in The Emirates Stadium. The event was attended by several hundred of school children who had the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities. SEMS researchers used a mock circulatory system to demonstrate how drugs … [more]

March 2019

SEMS PhD student takes his research to Parliament

SEMS PhD student takes his research to Parliament

13 March 2019

PhD student Thibault Degousée presented his results at the STEM For Britain event in the Palace of Westminster. Thibault's work examines the possibility of generating electricity from waste heat using thermoelectric polymers. This event aims to present “ground-breaking” and frontier UK research and R&D to Members of both … [more]

Other News

PUBLICATION (BOOK CHAPTER) (31/08/2017) "Organic Thermoelectric Composites Materials" in Comprehensive Composite Materials II (doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.10024-4) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128035818100244

ROYAL INVITATION! (31/05/2017) Dr Fenwick attends a reception for Royal Society University Research Fellows at St James' Palace at the invitation of HRH Duke of York.

CONFERENCE (05/2017) Dr Fenwick co-organised symposium K at the E-MRS Spring Meeting.  A poster was presented by his students.

NEW ROLES (05/2017) Dr Fenwick joins the Board of the Plastic Electronics Centre for Doctoral Training, and becomes Programme Director for Materials Science and Engineering at QMUL.

NEW FUNDING (31/03/2017 - 30/03/2019) Dr Fenwick and Dr Silvia Milita (CNR Bologna, Italy) have been awarded a Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme grant to fund collaborative research on "Self-assembled thermoelectric materials".

FUNDED PHD PROJECT Open for applications! N-type organic thermoelectric materials.

4yr funded MRes and PhD (The MRes year will be undertaken at Imperial College, then the student will transfer to QMUL for the PhD). Supervised by Dr Oliver Fenwick and Dr Bob Schroeder (Biological & Chemical Sciences, QMUL). More details at:


PHD PROJECT OPPORTUNITY Open for applications! Nanostructuring hybrid perovskites for thermoelectric applications.

The studentship is open to applicants of all nationalities (UK/EU/international) and will cover tuition fees and provide an annual stipend (£16,057 in 2017/18) for up to three years. The minimum requirement is a 2:1 degree (or equivalent) and an MSc/MRes degree in a relevant discipline (e.g. chemistry, material science).
To apply please send your CV, a short statement outlining why are you interested in a PhD opportunityand the contact information of two references to Dr. Bob Schroeder (b.c.schroeder@qmul.ac.uk). The deadline for application is 15th March 2017 (midnight), but early applications are strongly encouraged.

PUBLICATION "Nonconventional charge transport in organic semiconductors: Magnetoresistance and thermoelectricity" O. Fenwick and E. Orgiu, Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 2017, 2, 47 - 56.


Graphical abstract: Non-conventional charge transport in organic semiconductors: magnetoresistance and thermoelectricity

POSTER PRESENTATION 21/02/2017 Dr Oliver Fenwick presents his poster on "Asymmetrically SAM-functionalised electrodes for organic electronics" at the Printed and Flexible Electronics Congress, London.

ORAL PRESENTATION 02/02/2017 Thibault Degoussée presents his talk on organic thermoelectrics to the IOM3, London.

WINTER SCHOOL 16/01/2017 The group attends the Plastic Electronics Winter School in Bergun, Switzerland.





NEW GROUP MAMBER 01/12/2016 Tianjun Liu joins the group on a CSC-funded PhD project.

INSTALLATION OF GLOVEBOX 11/2016 The MBraun nitrogen glovebox also contains a spin-coater and a thermal evaporator with metal and organic sources.


PRESS RELEASE Scientists use silver to make lights shine brightly! http://www.qmul.ac.uk/media/news/items/se/177737.html

PUBLICATION (NATURE MATERIALS) Tuning the energetics and tailoring optical properties of silver clusters confined in zeolites, Fenwick O. et al.  Nature Materials 2016, doi:10.1038/nmat4652 View open access at: http://rdcu.be/iIwg

GLOVEBOX ARRIVES!!!! 5/08/2016

PUBLICATION Silver-induced reconstruction of an adeninate-based metal-organic framework for encapsulation of luminescent adenine-stabilized silver clusters, Jonckheere D. et al.  J. Mater. Chem. C 4, 4259-4268, 2016. http://pubs.rsc.org/is/content/articlelanding/2016/tc/c6tc00260a#!divAbstract

PUBLICATION Luminescent Neutral Cu(I) Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Solution-Processed OLED. Bizzarri C., Fléchon C., Fenwick O., et al.  ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 5, R83-R90, 2016. http://jss.ecsdl.org/content/5/6/R83.abstract

PUBLICATION Design, synthesis, chemical stability, packing, cyclic voltammetry, ionisation potential, and charge transport of [1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene derivatives. Ruzie C. et al. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4, 4863-4879, 2016. http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2016/tc/c6tc01409g#!divAbstract

NEW GROUP MEMBER 2/6/2016 Vanira Trifiletti joins the group on an ERASMUS+ scholarship as part of her PhD program (University of Salento)

NEW GROUP MEMBER 3/5/2016 Thibault Degousée joins the group to study for a PhD in organic thermoelectric materials.

PhD STUDENTSHIP Now open to applications! Topic: Organic Thermoelectric Materials. Visit  http://www.sems.qmul.ac.uk/research/studentships/?sid=235 for more information. Deadline 18th January 2016.


MEETING - 21-22/10/2015 Venice, Italy. Dr Oliver Fenwick attends 30 month meeting of the European FP7 project SACS (Self Assembly in Confined Space, http://www.fp7-sacs.com/).19/10/2015

19/10/2015 Dr Oliver Fenwick takes up his position in SEMs at Queen Mary.

FUNDING - Dr Oliver Fenwick awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (2015-2020, £492k) - "Organic thermoelectrics in multiple structural and transport regimes"