Dr Jiajun Luo

Dr Jiajun Luo

Postdoctoral Research Assistant

Mile End

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Supervisor: Prof Thomas Iskratsch
Expertise: Hydrogels, Nanotopography, Implants, Cell-materials interaction, Mechanobiology

Brief Biography

He is an active bioengineering, biomedical engineering/biomechanics scientist with over 9 years of experience in nano-based & hydrogel bioengineering research area. JJ published 15 peer-reviewed journal articles including 4 first-author are published on high-impact journals (over 10 of impact factors). His research focused on bioengineering Nano-implants designing and fabricating to develop mechanotranductive microenvironments' therapies for tissue regeneration via cellular manipulation. Before joining to QMUL, JJ was a PDRA from CeMi@UofG contributed knowledge about manipulating cellular mechanotransductive behaviours via viscoelasticitc hydrogels.
Currently, he is PDRA working with Prof. Thomas Iskratsch, funded by the BHF British Heart Foundation (SP/F/23/150045, Start: 08-01-2024 / End: 07-01-2027
Amount: £718,167), focusing on 'Talin dependent mechanical imprinting as driver for cardiac disease progression'. The project is aiming to exploit cutting-edge imaging as well as nanotechnological and biophysical approaches to
characterise mechanotransduction across various experimental systems (including primary and stem cell derived cardiomyocytes), with the aim of identifying new mechanosensing pathways and molecules.