Prof Gleb Sukhorukov


Research Funding

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Current Funded Research Projects

G1F1 Application of a new high throughput platform for validation of mechanosensitive miRNA

Funding source: BHF British Heart Foundation
Start: 03-10-2022  /  End: 02-10-2025
Amount: £117,986

Previous Funded Research Projects

Dual targeting and triggered delivery of biomacromolecules from layer-by-layer decorated gas filled

Funding source: Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Start: 01-07-2022  /  End: 01-07-2024

Open characterisation and modelling environment to drive innovation in advanced nano-architectured and bio-inspired hard/soft interfaces (OYSTER)

Funding source: EU
Start: 01-01-2199  /  End: 01-12-2021

Major focus of the project is in surface design, controlled adhesion and development of surface characterisation techniques and their standardization. In particular, Nanoforce contribution in the project and relevant tasks are crossing other activity at SEMS what includes biofunctionalisation of surfaces to make hydrophobic surface hydrophilic and to produce thin polymeric films with micro-packaged bioactive agents. Also SEMS expertise in polymer processing will be expanded on polymer with drug coating. Further goal would be to make such a coating on various implants and stents. Developments of implants with designed mechanical properties could benefit with extra function added on it such as “micro-packaged” drug what could be used either to proliferate cell grow in case of grow factor encapsulation or, if needed, coatings antibacterial properties.

Remote controllable microdepot sytems for drug delivery

Funding source: Ministry of High Education and Science of Russian Federation
Start: 04-02-2019  /  End: 03-08-2019

CNR International Exchanges Award

Funding source: The Royal Society
Start: 01-08-2016  /  End: 31-07-2018

Margination of Microcapsules in Small Arteries

Funding source: Horizon2020 - 658478
Start: 03-09-2015  /  End: 02-09-2017

The aim of the project is to conduct a systematic study of the effects of system parameters, such as the blood flow condition, the particle shape, size etc on the cross-stream migration and margination of microcapsules in blood flows in small arteries.

Training Abroad: Sindeeva Olga Aleksandrovna

Funding source: Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Federation
Start: 05-01-2017  /  End: 04-07-2017

Training Abroad: Kurochkin Maksim Andreevich

Funding source: Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Federation
Start: 05-01-2017  /  End: 04-07-2017

Training Abroad: Brodovskaya Ekaterina Pavlovna

Funding source: Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Federation
Start: 05-01-2017  /  End: 04-07-2017

Targeted Drug Delivery to Neurons and Glia

Funding source: B.B.S.R.C.
Start: 01-04-2012  /  End: 30-09-2015

Previous PhD Studentship Projects

Study Abroad Programme

Funding source: Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Federation
Start: 01-01-2015  /  End: 30-06-2015

Other Research Projects

Remote controlled delivery systems

Polymer based capsules could be made composite and their properties could be governed by remote physical influence such as light, magnetic field or ultrasound. Incorporation of magnetic nanoparticles inbetween layers make entire capsule magnetic. light harvesting gold or silver nanoparticles cold convert electromagnetic irradiation into local heat what resulted on …

Micro- and nanoencapsulation of (bio)-active compounds in polyelectrolyte based capsules

Group has experienced wth encapsulation of various bioactive substances from drugs to large proteins and DNA into so called Layer-by-Layer capsules. Shell of capsules are made from different synthetic and natural polymers, including petides and polysaccharides. The technology provides defined size, ranging from 100nm till 10 microns, surface properties and shell …

Flexible particles in flow: dynamics and applications in biomedical and pharmaceutical industries

Flexible particles (FP) including capsules, vesicles and cells are small droplets enclosed by thin membranes. They are widely found in nature and have numerous applications in food, cosmetic, textile, biomedical and pharmaceutical industries (e.g. drug delivery and release). In many applications FPs are subjected to external flows wherein quantities …

Carbonized polymeric microstructures

Funding source: Ministry for Education and Science RF

synthesis of carbon nanoparticles is made in situ within polymeric multilayer films. this alter the film properties, such as conductivity, mechanical and light responsiveness

Capsules as Tool for Intracellur delivery and sensing

Polyelectrolyte capsules could be entrapped by biological cells. Encapsulated cargo could serve to deliver a particular substances to the cells via gradual or triggered release inside the cells. Beside that encapsulation of sensing elements into capsules is used as explorer of cell interior. Optical sensing is based on fluorescent signal.