Centre for Intelligent Transport


   2006   |   2005   |   2004   |   2003   |   2002   |   2001   |   2000   |   1999   |   1998   |   1997   |   1996   
  • Goloviznin VM, Hynes TP and Karabasov SA (2001). Cabaret finite‐difference schemes for the one‐dimensional Euler equations. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Mathematical Modelling and Analysis vol. 6 (2), 210-220.  
  • Müller JD and Giles MB (2001). Solution adaptive mesh refinement using adjoint error analysis. 15th Aiaa Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 
  • Müller JD, Schönfeld ET and Légier JP (2001). Adaptive local grid refinement for unsteady reacting flows. 15th Aiaa Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 
  • Tokhi MO, Mohamed Z and Shaheed MH (2001). Dynamic characterisation of a flexible manipulator system. Robotica vol. 19, 571-580.  
  • Vepa R (2001). Active-passive decomposition with application to arrays of chaotic systems. Int J Bifurcat Chaos vol. 11 (6), 1593-1606.  
  • Althoefer K, Krekelberg B, Husmeier D and Seneviratne L (2001). Reinforcement learning in a rule-based navigator for robotic manipulators. Elsevier Neurocomputing vol. 37 (1-4), 51-70.  
  • Rowe A, Fry ALA and Motallebi F (2001). Influence of boundary-layer thickness on base pressure and vortex shedding frequency. Aiaa J vol. 39 (4), 754-756.  
  • Seneviratne LD, Ngemoh FA, Earles SWE and Althoefer KA (2001). Theoretical modelling of the self-tapping screw fastening process. Sage Publications Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science vol. 215 (2), 135-154.  
  • Shaheed MH and Tokhi MO (2001). Modelling and open-loop control of a single-link flexible manipulator with neural networks. J Low Freq Noise V A vol. 20 (2), 105-131.  
  • Rowe A, Fry ALA and Motallebi F (2001). Influence of boundary-layer thickness on base pressure and vortex shedding frequency. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Aiaa) Aiaa Journal vol. 39, 754-756.  
  • Vepa R (2001). Extended active-passive decomposition of chaotic systems with application to the modelling and control of synchronous motors., Editors: Isidori A, LamnabhiLagarrigue F and Respondek W. Nonlinear Control in The Year 2000, Vol 2 vol. 259, 543-554.  
  • Toropov VV and Mahfouz SY (2001). Design optimization of structural steelwork using a genetic algorithm, FEM and a system of design rules. Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales) vol. 18 (3-4), 437-459.  
  • Goloviznin VM, Hynes TP and Karabasov SA (2001). Cabaret finite-difference schemes for the one-dimensional euler equations. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis vol. 6 (2), 210-220.  