Centre for Sustainable Engineering


   2010   |   2009   |   2008   |   2007   |   2006   |   2005   |   2004   |   2003   |   2002   |   2001   |   2000   
  • P'Ng KMY, Bushby AJ and Dunstan DJ (2005). Strength of coherently strained layered superlattices. Philosophical Magazine vol. 85 (36), 4429-4444.  
  • Koutinas M, Martin J, Peeva LG, Mantalaris A and Livingston AG (2005). An Oil-Absorber−Bioscrubber System To Stabilize Biotreatment of Pollutants Present in Waste Gas. Fluctuating Loads of 1,2-Dichloroethane. American Chemical Society (Acs) Environmental Science and Technology vol. 40 (2), 595-602.  
  • Dastgir MG, Peeva LG and Livingston AG (2005). The performance of composite supported polymeric liquid membranes in the Membrane Aromatic Recovery System (MARS). Elsevier Chemical Engineering Science vol. 60 (24), 7034-7044.  
  • Smoukov SK, Bitner A, Campbell CJ, Kandere-Grzybowska K and Grzybowski BA (2005). Nano- and Microscopic Surface Wrinkles of Linearly Increasing Heights Prepared by Periodic Precipitation. American Chemical Society (Acs) Journal of The American Chemical Society vol. 127 (50), 17803-17807.  
  • Murase T, Briggs A, Wang HS and Rose JW (2005). Condensation on a horizontal wire-wrapped tube. Journal of Heat Transfer vol. 127 (11), 1207-1213.  
  • Padding JT, Boek ES and Briels WJ (2005). Rheology of wormlike micellar fluids from Brownian and molecular dynamics simulations. Iop Publishing Journal of Physics Condensed Matter vol. 17 (45) 
  • Gibbins E, Irwin J, Livingston A, Muir J, Patterson D, Roengpithya C and Taylor P (2005). An Improved Protocol for the Synthesis and Nanofiltration of Kim and Park’s Aminocyclopentadienyl Ruthenium Chloride Racemisation Catalyst. Thieme Synlett vol. 2005 (19), 2993-2995.  
  • Silva P, Han S and Livingston AG (2005). Solvent transport in organic solvent nanofiltration membranes. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 262 (1-2), 49-59.  
  • Wang HS and Rose JW (2005). A theory of film condensation in horizontal noncircular section microchannels. Journal of Heat Transfer vol. 127 (10), 1096-1105.  
  • Boek ES, Padding JT, Otter WKD and Briels WJ (2005). Mechanical Properties of Surfactant Bilayer Membranes from Atomistic and Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations. American Chemical Society (Acs) The Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 109 (42), 19851-19858.  
  • Dastgir MG, Peeva LG, Livingston AG, Morley TA and Steinke JHG (2005). The synthesis of polypropylene glycol based polyethers and their use in membranes for the membrane aromatic recovery system (MARS). Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 261 (1-2), 87-97.  
  • Ke C, Espinosa HD and Pugno N (2005). Numerical analysis of nanotube based NEMS devices - Part II: Role of finite kinematics, stretching and charge concentrations. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions Asme vol. 72 (5), 726-731.  
  • Martinez CE, Stanton NM, Kent AJ, Graham DM, Dawson P, Kappers MJ and Humphreys CJ (2005). Determination of relative internal quantum efficiency in InGaN∕GaN quantum wells. Aip Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 98 (5) 
  • Yan HX, Zhang HT, Reece MJ and Dong XL (2005). Thermal depoling of high Curie point Aurivillius phase ferroelectric ceramics. Appl Phys Lett vol. 87 (8) 
  • Carpinteri A and Pugno N (2005). Fractal fragmentation theory for size effects of quasi-brittle materials in compression. Magazine of Concrete Research vol. 57 (6), 309-313.  
  • Lloyd SJ, P'ng KMY, Clegg WJ, Bushby AJ and Dunstan DJ (2005). Effect of coherency strain on the deformation of InxGa 1-xAs superlattices under nanoindentation and bending. Philosophical Magazine vol. 85 (22), 2469-2490.  
  • Carpinteri A and Pugno N (2005). Towards chaos in vibrating damaged structures - Part II: Parametrical investigation. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions Asme vol. 72 (4), 519-526.  
  • Carpinteri A and Pugno N (2005). Towards chaos in vibrating damaged structures - Part I: Theory and period doubling cascade. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions Asme vol. 72 (4), 511-518.  
  • Ferreira FC, Peeva L, Boam A, Zhang S and Livingston A (2005). Pilot scale application of the Membrane Aromatic Recovery System (MARS) for recovery of phenol from resin production condensates. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 257 (1-2), 120-133.  
  • Moreau P, Raulic M, P'ng KMY, Gannaway G, Anderson P, Gillin WP, Bushby AJ and Dunstan DJ (2005). Measurement of the size effect in the yield strength of nickel foils. Philosophical Magazine Letters vol. 85 (7), 339-343.  
  • Buchan AG, Pain CC, Eaton MD, Smedley-Stevenson RP and Goddard AJH (2005). Linear and quadratic octahedral wavelets on the sphere for angular discretisations of the Boltzmann transport equation. Elsevier Annals of Nuclear Energy vol. 32 (11), 1224-1273.  
  • Yan H, Zhang H, Ubic R, Reece MJ, Liu J, Shen Z and Zhang Z (2005). A Lead‐Free High‐Curie‐Point Ferroelectric Ceramic, CaBi2Nb2O9. Wiley Cheminform vol. 36 (28), no-no.  
  • Campbell CJ, Baker E, Fialkowski M, Bitner A, Smoukov SK and Grzybowski BA (2005). Self-organization of planar microlenses by periodic precipitation. Aip Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 97 (12) 
  • Balasubramanian V, Bush K, Smoukov S, Venerus DC and Schieber JD (2005). Measurements of Flow-Induced Anisotropic Thermal Conduction in a Polyisobutylene Melt Following Step Shear Flow. American Chemical Society (Acs) Macromolecules vol. 38 (14), 6210-6215.  
  • Ke CH, Pugno N, Peng B and Espinosa HD (2005). Experiments and modeling of carbon nanotube-based NEMS devices. Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids vol. 53 (6), 1314-1333.  
  • Dusza J, Kovalčík J, Hvizdoš P, Šajgalik P, Hnatko M and Reece MJ (2005). Enhanced creep resistant silicon-nitride-based nanocomposite. Journal of The American Ceramic Society vol. 88 (6), 1500-1503.  
  • Carpinteri A and Pugno N (2005). Are scaling laws on strength of solids related to mechanics or to geometry? Nat Mater vol. 4 (6), 421-423.  
  • Koutinas M, Peeva LG and Livingston AG (2005). An attempt to compare the performance of bioscrubbers and biotrickling filters for degradation of ethyl acetate in gas streams. Wiley Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology vol. 80 (11), 1252-1260.  
  • Dastgir MG, Peeva LG, Livingston AG, Morley TA and Steinke JHG (2005). Stabilization of Supported Liquid Membranes by γ-Radiation and Their Performance in the Membrane Aromatic Recovery System. American Chemical Society (Acs) Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research vol. 44 (20), 7659-7667.  
  • Smoukov SK, Bishop KJM, Klajn R, Campbell CJ and Grzybowski BA (2005). Cutting into Solids with Micropatterned Gels. Wiley Advanced Materials vol. 17 (11), 1361-1365.  
  • Robinson JW, Rice JH, Lee KH, Na JH, Taylor RA, Hasko DG, Oliver RA, Kappers MJ, Humphreys CJ and Briggs GAD (2005). Quantum-confined Stark effect in a single InGaN quantum dot under a lateral electric field. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 86 (21) 
  • Yan HX, Zhang HT, Ubic R, Reece MJ, Liu J, Shen ZJ and Zhang Z (2005). A lead-free high-Curie-point ferroelectric ceramic, CaBi2Nb2O9. Adv Mater vol. 17 (10), 1261-+.  
  • Gucciardi PG, Patanè S, Ambrosio A, Allegrini M, Downes AD, Latini G, Fenwick O and Cacialli F (2005). Observation of tip-to-sample heat transfer in near-field optical microscopy using metal-coated fiber probes. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 86 (20) 
  • Taylor D, Cornetti P and Pugno N (2005). The fracture mechanics of finite crack extension. Engineering Fracture Mechanics vol. 72 (7), 1021-1038.  
  • Humphreys C (2005). Science and the Miracles of Exodus. Edp Sciences Europhysics News vol. 36 (3), 93-96.  
  • Carpinteri A and Pugno N (2005). Fracture instability and limit strength condition in structures with re-entrant corners. Engineering Fracture Mechanics vol. 72 (8), 1254-1267.  
  • Pugno N, Ke CH and Espinosa HD (2005). Analysis of doubly clamped nanotube devices in the finite deformation regime. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions Asme vol. 72 (3), 445-449.  
  • Graham DM, Soltani-Vala A, Dawson P, Godfrey MJ, Smeeton TM, Barnard JS, Kappers MJ, Humphreys CJ and Thrush EJ (2005). Optical and microstructural studies of InGaN∕GaN single-quantum-well structures. Aip Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 97 (10) 
  • Bitner A, Fiałkowski M, Smoukov SK, Campbell CJ and Grzybowski BA (2005). Amplification of Changes of a Thin Film's Macromolecular Structure into Macroscopic Reaction−Diffusion Patterns. American Chemical Society (Acs) Journal of The American Chemical Society vol. 127 (19), 6936-6937.  
  • Koval V, Reece MJ and Bushby AJ (2005). Ferroelectric/ferroelastic behavior and piezoelectric response of lead zirconate titanate thin films under nanoindentation. Journal of Applied Physics vol. 97 (7) 
  • Shen ZJ, Liu J, Grins J, Nygren M, Wang PL, Kan YM, Yan HX and Sutter U (2005). Effective grain alignment in Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics by superplastic-deformation-induced directional dynamic ripening. Adv Mater vol. 17 (6), 676-+.  
  • Smoukov SK, Bishop KJM, Campbell CJ and Grzybowski BA (2005). Freestanding Three‐Dimensional Copper Foils Prepared by Electroless Deposition on Micropatterned Gels. Wiley Advanced Materials vol. 17 (6), 751-755.  
  • Czarnecki J, Radoev B, Schramm LL and Slavchev R (2005). On the nature of Athabasca Oil Sands. Elsevier Advances in Colloid and Interface Science vol. 114, 53-60.  
  • Pugno N (2005). Non-linear statics and dynamics of nanoelectromechanical systems based on nanoplates and nanowires. Sage Publications Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part N Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems vol. 219 (1), 29-40.  
  • Ye HT, Yan HX and Jackman RB (2005). Dielectric properties of single crystal diamond. Semicond Sci Tech vol. 20 (3), 296-298.  
  • Han S, Wong H-T and Livingston AG (2005). Application of Organic Solvent Nanofiltration to Separation of Ionic Liquids and Products from Ionic Liquid Mediated Reactions. Elsevier Chemical Engineering Research and Design vol. 83 (3), 309-316.  
  • Campbell CJ, Smoukov SK, Bishop KJM and Grzybowski BA (2005). Reactive Surface Micropatterning by Wet Stamping. American Chemical Society (Acs) Langmuir vol. 21 (7), 2637-2640.  
  • Ferreira FC, Peeva LG and Livingston AG (2005). Mass transfer enhancement in the membrane aromatic recovery system (MARS): experimental results and comparison with theory. Elsevier Chemical Engineering Science vol. 60 (4), 1029-1042.  
  • Carpinteri A, Dimastrogiovanni L and Pugno N (2005). Fractal coupled theory of drilling and wear. International Journal of Fracture vol. 131 (2), 131-142.  
  • Boek ES, Padding JT, Anderson VJ, Tardy PMJ, Crawshaw JP and Pearson JRA (2005). Constitutive equations for extensional flow of wormlike micelles: stability analysis of the Bautista–Manero model. Elsevier Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics vol. 126 (1), 39-46.  
  • Davydov R, Behrouzian B, Smoukov S, Stubbe J, Hoffman BM and Shanklin J (2005). Effect of Substrate on the Diiron(III) Site in Stearoyl Acyl Carrier Protein Δ9-Desaturase as Disclosed by Cryoreduction Electron Paramagnetic Resonance/Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Spectroscopy †. American Chemical Society (Acs) Biochemistry vol. 44 (4), 1309-1315.  
  • Wong ASW, Ho GW, Dunin-Borkowski RE, Kasama T, Oliver RA, Costa PM and Humphreys CJ (2005). The mean inner potential of GaN measured from nanowires using off-axis electron holography. Springer Nature Mrs Advances vol. 892 
  • Emanuelsson EAC, Baptista IIR, Mantalaris A and Livingston AG (2005). Strain stability in biological systems treating recalcitrant organic compounds. Wiley Biotechnology and Bioengineering vol. 92 (7), 843-849.  
  • Oliver RA, Kappers MJ, Sumner J, Datta R and Humphreys CJ (2005). SiH4 exposure of GaN surfaces: A useful tool for highlighting dislocations. Springer Nature Mrs Advances vol. 892 (1) 
  • van der Laak NK, Oliver RA, Kappers MJ and Humphreys CJ (2005). Quantum Well Network Structures: Investigating Long-range Thickness Fluctuations in Single InGaN/GaN Quantum Wells. Springer Nature Mrs Advances vol. 892 (1) 
  • Bembey AK, Oyen ML, Bushby AJ and Boyde A (2005). Nanoindentation measurements of bone viscoelasticity as a function of hydration state. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings vol. 898, 104-109.  
  • Oyen ML, Ko C-C, K.Bembey A, Bushby AJ and Boyde A (2005). Nanoindentation and Finite Element Analysis of Resin-Embedded Bone Samples as a Three-Phase Composite Material. Mrs Advances vol. 874 
  • Costa PM, Datta R, Kappers MJ, Vickers ME and Humphreys CJ (2005). Misfit dislocations in green-emitting InGaN/GaN quantum well structures. Springer Nature Mrs Advances vol. 892 
  • Moram MA, Joyce TB, Chalker PR, Barber ZH and Humphreys CJ (2005). Microstructure and Strain-Free Lattice Parameters of SCxGa1-xN Films. Springer Nature Mrs Advances vol. 892 (1) 
  • Grzybowski BA, Bishop KJM, Campbell CJ, Fialkowski M and Smoukov SK (2005). Micro- and nanotechnology via reaction–diffusion. Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) Soft Matter vol. 1 (2), 114-128.  
  • Ferreira FC, Peeva LG and Livingston AG (2005). Mass transfer enhancement in the Membrane Aromatic Recovery System (MARS): theoretical analysis. Elsevier Chemical Engineering Science vol. 60 (1), 151-166.  
  • Ntim MM, Bembey AK, Ferguson VL and Bushby AJ (2005). Hydration effects on the viscoelastic properties of collagen. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings vol. 898, 39-43.  
  • Ntim M, Bembey A, Ferguson V and Bushby A (2005). Hydration Effects on the Viscoelastic Properties of Collagen. Mrs Advances vol. 898 
  • Ofori AP, Rossouw CJ and Humphreys CJ (2005). Determining the site occupancy of Ru in the L12 phase of a Ni-base superalloy using ALCHEMI. Elsevier Acta Materialia vol. 53 (1), 97-110.  
  • Cherns PD, McAleese C, Barnard JS, Kappers MJ and Humphreys CJ (2005). A TEM Investigation of Crack Reduction in AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures Using an AlN Interlayer. Springer Nature Mrs Advances vol. 892 (1) 