Centre for Sustainable Engineering


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  • Latini G, Downes A, Fenwick O, Ambrosio A, Allegrini M, Daniel C, Silva C, Gucciardi PG, Patanè S, Daik R, Feast WJ and Cacialli F (2004). Optical probing of sample heating in scanning near-field experiments with apertured probes. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 86 (1) 
  • Oliver RA, Kappers MJ, Humphreys CJ and Briggs GAD (2004). Growth modes in heteroepitaxy of InGaN on GaN. Aip Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 97 (1) 
  • Wang HS and Rose JW (2004). Prediction of effective friction factors for single-phase flow in horizontal microfin tubes. Int J Refrig vol. 27 (8), 904-913.  
  • Chryssou CE, Kenyon AJ, Smeeton TM, Humphreys CJ and Hole DE (2004). Broadband sensitization of 1.53μm Er3+ luminescence in erbium-implanted alumina. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 85 (22), 5200-5202.  
  • Datta R, Kappers MJ, Barnard JS and Humphreys CJ (2004). Revealing all types of threading dislocations in GaN with improved contrast in a single plan view image. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 85 (16), 3411-3413.  
  • Dunstan DJ and Bushby AJ (2004). Theory of deformation in small volumes of material. Proceedings of The Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences vol. 460 (2050), 2781-2796.  
  • Pugno NM and Ruoff RS (2004). Quantized fracture mechanics. Philosophical Magazine vol. 84 (27), 2829-2845.  
  • Klajn R, Fialkowski M, Bensemann IT, Bitner A, Campbell CJ, Bishop K, Smoukov S and Grzybowski BA (2004). Multicolour micropatterning of thin films of dry gels. Springer Nature Nature Materials vol. 3 (10), 729-735.  
  • Algueró M, Calzada ML, Bushby AJ and Reece MJ (2004). Ferroelectric hysteresis loops of (Pb, Ca)TiO3 thin films under spherical indentation. Applied Physics Letters vol. 85 (11), 2023-2025.  
  • Venerus DC, Schieber JD, Balasubramanian V, Bush K and Smoukov S (2004). Publisher's Note: Anisotropic Thermal Conduction in a Polymer Liquid Subjected to Shear Flow [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 098301 (2004)]. American Physical Society (Aps) Physical Review Letters vol. 93 (10) 
  • Carpinteri A, Lacidogna G and Pugno N (2004). Scaling of energy dissipation in crushing and fragmentation: A fractal and statistical analysis based on particle size distribution. International Journal of Fracture vol. 129 (2), 131-139.  
  • Rice JH, Robinson JW, Smith JD, Jarjour A, Taylor RA, Oliver RA, Briggs GAD, Kappers MJ, Yasin S and Humphreys CJ (2004). Photoluminescence Studies of Exciton Recombination and Dephasing in Single Ingan Quantum Dots. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) Ieee Transactions On Nanotechnology vol. 3 (3), 343-347.  
  • Padding JT and Boek ES (2004). Influence of shear flow on the formation of rings in wormlike micelles: A nonequilibrium molecular dynamics study. American Physical Society (Aps) Physical Review E vol. 70 (3) 
  • Schieber JD, Venerus DC, Bush K, Balasubramanian V and Smoukov S (2004). Measurement of anisotropic energy transport in flowing polymers by using a holographic technique. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America vol. 101 (36), 13142-13146.  
  • Venerus DC, Schieber JD, Balasubramanian V, Bush K and Smoukov S (2004). Anisotropic Thermal Conduction in a Polymer Liquid Subjected to Shear Flow. American Physical Society (Aps) Physical Review Letters vol. 93 (9) 
  • Carpinteri A and Pugno N (2004). Evolutionary fractal theory of erosion and experimental assessment on MIR space station. Wear vol. 257 (3-4), 408-413.  
  • Yan HX, Zhang Z, Zhu WM, He LX, Yu YH, Li CG and Zhou JG (2004). The effect of (Li,Ce) and (K,Ce) doping in Aurivillius phase material CaBi4Ti4O15. Mater Res Bull vol. 39 (9), 1237-1246.  
  • Carpinteri A and Pugno N (2004). Scale-effects on mean and standard deviation of the mechanical properties of condensed matter: An energy-based unified approach. International Journal of Fracture vol. 128 (1), 253-261.  
  • Grosfils P, Boon JP, Chin J and Boek ES (2004). Structural and dynamical characterization of HeleShaw viscous fingering. The Royal Society Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society a Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences vol. 362 (1821), 1723-1734.  
  • Boek ES, Otter WKD, Briels WJ and Iakovlev D (2004). Moleculardynamics simulation of amphiphilic bilayer membranes and wormlike micelles: a multiscale modelling approach to the design of viscoelastic surfactant solutions. The Royal Society Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society a Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences vol. 362 (1821), 1625-1638.  
  • Caballero FG and Bhadeshia HKDH (2004). Very strong bainite. Elsevier Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science vol. 8 (3-4), 251-257.  
  • Padding JT and Boek ES (2004). Evidence for diffusion-controlled recombination kinetics in model wormlike micelles. Iop Publishing Epl (Europhysics Letters) vol. 66 (5), 756-762.  
  • Peeva LG, Gibbins E, Luthra SS, White LS, Stateva RP and Livingston AG (2004). Effect of concentration polarisation and osmotic pressure on flux in organic solvent nanofiltration. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 236 (1-2), 121-136.  
  • Rice JH, Robinson JW, Jarjour A, Taylor RA, Oliver RA, Briggs GAD, Kappers MJ and Humphreys CJ (2004). Temporal variation in photoluminescence from single InGaN quantum dots. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 84 (20), 4110-4112.  
  • Bushby AJ, Ferguson VL and Boyde A (2004). Nanoindentation of bone: Comparison of specimens tested in liquid and embedded in polymethylmethacrylate (vol 19, pg 249, 2004). J Mater Res vol. 19 (5), 1581-1581.  
  • Zhang Z, Yan HX, Xiang PH, Dong XL and Wang YL (2004). Grain orientation effects on the properties of a bismuth layer-structured ferroelectric (BLSF) Bi3NbTiO9 solid solution. J Am Ceram Soc vol. 87 (4), 602-605.  
  • Humphreys C (2004). Can a Materials Scientist Move Mount Sinai? Springer Nature Mrs Bulletin vol. 29 (4), 222-223.  
  • Moldovan G, Harrison I, Humphreys CJ, Kappers M and Brown PD (2004). Application of the Taguchi method for assessment of surface treatment procedures for Ti/n-type GaN contacts. Sage Publications Materials Science and Technology vol. 20 (4), 533-538.  
  • Kaestner B, Schönjahn C and Humphreys CJ (2004). Mapping the potential within a nanoscale undoped GaAs region using a scanning electron microscope. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 84 (12), 2109-2111.  
  • Dastgir MG, Ferreira FC, Peeva LG and Livingston AG (2004). Recovery of 2,4‐dichlorophenol from acidic aqueous streams by Membrane Aromatic Recovery System (MARS). Wiley Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology vol. 79 (4), 381-390.  
  • Vankelecom IFJ, De Smet K, Gevers LEM, Livingston A, Nair D, Aerts S, Kuypers S and Jacobs PA (2004). Physico-chemical interpretation of the SRNF transport mechanism for solvents through dense silicone membranes. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 231 (1-2), 99-108.  
  • Emanuelsson EAC and Livingston AG (2004). Overcoming oxygen limitations in membrane-attached biofilms—investigation of flux and diffusivity in an anoxic biofilm. Elsevier Water Research vol. 38 (6), 1530-1541.  
  • Jiang X, Avital EJ and Luo KH (2004). Sound Generation by Vortex Pairing in Subsonic Axisymmetric Jets. Aiaa Journal vol. 42 (2) 
  • Datta R, Kappers MJ, Barnard JS and Humphreys CJ (2004). Reduction of Threading Dislocations in GaN grown on ‘c’ plane sapphire by MOVPE. Springer Nature Mrs Advances vol. 831 
  • ROSE JW and Wang HS (2004). Prediction of effective friction factors for single-phase flow in horizontal microfin tubes. Int. J. Refrigeration vol. 27, 904-913.  
  • Bushby AJ and Dunstan DJ (2004). Plasticity size effects in nanoindentation. J Mater Res vol. 19 (1), 137-142.  
  • Zhang H, Jiang X, Wang W, Yang Y, Xu L and Fan W (2004). Numerical simulations of buoyant reactive jets with sidewall effects. Science China Press Science Bulletin vol. 49 (19), 2105-2109.  
  • Chima-Okereke C, Reece MJ, Bushby AJ, Whatmore RW and Zhang Q (2004). Nanoindentation of multilayer PZT/Pt/SiO2 thin film systems on silicon wafers for MEMS applications. Springer Nature Mrs Advances vol. 841 
  • Bushby AJ, Ferguson VL and Boyde A (2004). Nanoindentation of bone: Comparison of specimens tested in liquid and embedded in polymethylmethacrylate. J Mater Res vol. 19 (1), 249-259.  
  • Chen GS, Chen G-S, Hsiao HH, Louh RF and Humphreys CJ (2004). Improving Thermal Stability of LiMn2 O 4 Thin Films by In Situ Coating of α ­ MnO2 Using High-Pressure and High-Temperature Sputtering. The Electrochemical Society Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters vol. 7 (8), a235-a238.  
  • Charles MB, Kappers MJ and Humphreys CJ (2004). Growth of Uncracked Al0.80Ga0.20N/GaN DBR on Si(111). Springer Nature Mrs Advances vol. 831 (1), 377-381.  
  • Ghazali NF, Patterson DA and Livingston AG (2004). Elucidation of the mechanism of chiral selectivity in diastereomeric salt formation using organic solvent nanofiltration. Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) Chemical Communications (8), 962-963.  
  • Campbell LC, Wilkinson MJ, Manz A, Camilleri P and Humphreys CJ (2004). Electrophoretic manipulation of single DNA molecules in nanofabricated capillaries. Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) Lab On a Chip vol. 4 (3), 225-229.  
  • Ferguson VL, Boyde A and Bushby AJ (2004). Elastic modulus of dental enamel: effect of enamel prism orientation and mineral content. Mrs Advances vol. 844 
  • Wang HS and Rose JW (2004). Effect of interphase matter transfer on condensation on low-finned tubes - a theoretical investigation. Int J Heat Mass Tran vol. 47 (1), 179-184.  
  • Jiang X, Avital EJ and Luo KH (2004). Direct computation and aeroacoustic modelling of a subsonic axisymmetric jet. Journal of Sound and Vibration vol. 270 (3), 525-538.  
  • Dusza J, Kovalik J, Hvizdos P, Sajgalik P, Hnatko M and Reece M (2004). Creep behavior of a carbon-derived Si3N4/SiC nanocomposite. Journal of The European Ceramic Society vol. 24 (12), 3307-3315.  
  • Bembey AK, Koonjul V, Bushby AJ, Ferguson VL and Boyde A (2004). Contribution of Collagen, Mineral and Water Phases to the Nanomechanical Properties of Bone. Mrs Advances vol. 844 
  • ROSE JW and Wang WS (2004). A theoretical model of film condensation in square section microchannels. Trans Icheme, Chem Eng. Research and Design, 430-434.  
  • WANG HS, Rose JW and Honda H (2004). A theoretical model of film condensation in horizontal square section microchannels. Icheme Chemical Engineering Research and Design vol. 82 (4), 430-434.  