Centre for Sustainable Engineering


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  • Smeeton TM, Kappers MJ, Barnard JS, Vickers ME and Humphreys CJ (2003). Electron-beam-induced strain within InGaN quantum wells: False indium “cluster” detection in the transmission electron microscope. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 83 (26), 5419-5421.  
  • Pugno N and Carpinteri A (2003). Tubular Adhesive Joints under Axial Load. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions Asme vol. 70 (6), 832-839.  
  • Belyaev AE, Foxon CT, Novikov SV, Makarovsky O, Eaves L, Kappers MJ and Humphreys CJ (2003). Comment on “AlN/GaN double-barrier resonant tunneling diodes grown by rf-plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 1729 (2002)]. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 83 (17), 3626-3627.  
  • Briggs A, Wang HS, Murase T and Rose JW (2003). Heat Transfer Measurements for Condensation of Steam on a Horizontal Wire-Wrapped Tube. Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer vol. 10 (4), 355-362.  
  • Robinson JW, Rice JH, Jarjour A, Smith JD, Taylor RA, Oliver RA, Briggs GAD, Kappers MJ, Humphreys CJ and Arakawa Y (2003). Time-resolved dynamics in single InGaN quantum dots. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 83 (13), 2674-2676.  
  • Oliveira TAC and Livingston AG (2003). Bioscrubbing of waste gas—substrate absorber to avoid instability induced by inhibition kinetics. Wiley Biotechnology and Bioengineering vol. 84 (5), 552-563.  
  • Novikov SV, Zhao LX, Winser AJ, Kappers MJ, Barnard JS, Harrison I, Humphreys CJ and Foxon CT (2003). Blue emission from As-doped GaN films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaN templates. Elsevier Journal of Crystal Growth vol. 256 (3-4), 237-242.  
  • Jayaweera NB, Downes JR, Frogley MD, Hopkinson M, Bushby AJ, Kidd P, Kelly A and Dunstan DJ (2003). The onset of plasticity in nanoscale contact loading. P Roy Soc Lond a Mat vol. 459 (2036), 2049-2068.  
  • Ferguson VL, Bushby AJ and Boyde A (2003). Nanomechanical properties and mineral concentration in articular calcified cartilage and subchondral bone. J Anat vol. 203 (2), 191-202.  
  • Vickers ME, Kappers MJ, Smeeton TM, Thrush EJ, Barnard JS and Humphreys CJ (2003). Determination of the indium content and layer thicknesses in InGaN/GaN quantum wells by x-ray scattering. Aip Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 94 (3), 1565-1574.  
  • Oliver RA, Briggs GAD, Kappers MJ, Humphreys CJ, Yasin S, Rice JH, Smith JD and Taylor RA (2003). InGaN quantum dots grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy employing a post-growth nitrogen anneal. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 83 (4), 755-757.  
  • Schönjahn C, Broom RF, Humphreys CJ, Howie A and Mentink SAM (2003). Optimizing and quantifying dopant mapping using a scanning electron microscope with a through-the-lens detector. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 83 (2), 293-295.  
  • Mavroidis C, Harris JJ, Kappers MJ, Humphreys CJ and Bougrioua Z (2003). Detailed interpretation of electron transport in n-GaN. Aip Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 93 (11), 9095-9103.  
  • Wang HS and Honda H (2003). Condensation of refrigerants in horizontal microfin tubes: comparison of prediction methods for heat transfer. Int J Refrig vol. 26 (4), 452-460.  
  • Smoukov SK, Davydov RM, Doan PE, Sturgeon B, Kung IY, Hoffman BM and Kurtz DM (2003). EPR and ENDOR Evidence for a 1-His, Hydroxo-Bridged Mixed-Valent Diiron Site in Desulfovibrio vulgaris Rubrerythrin †. American Chemical Society (Acs) Biochemistry vol. 42 (20), 6201-6208.  
  • Pope IA, Smowton PM, Blood P, Thomson JD, Kappers MJ and Humphreys CJ (2003). Carrier leakage in InGaN quantum well light-emitting diodes emitting at 480 nm. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 82 (17), 2755-2757.  
  • Splendiani A, Nicolella C and Livingston AG (2003). A novel biphasic extractive membrane bioreactor for minimization of membrane‐attached biofilms. Wiley Biotechnology and Bioengineering vol. 83 (1), 8-19.  
  • Wei JJ, Yu B and Wang HS (2003). Heat transfer mechanisms in vapor mushroom region of saturated nucleate pool boiling. Int J Heat Fluid Fl vol. 24 (2), 210-222.  
  • Boek ES and Sprik M (2003). Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Study of the Hydration of a Sodium Smectite Clay. American Chemical Society (Acs) The Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 107 (14), 3251-3256.  
  • Carpinteri A and Pugno N (2003). A multifractal comminution approach for drilling scaling laws. Powder Technology vol. 131 (1), 93-98.  
  • Emanuelsson EAC, Arcangeli J-P and Livingston AG (2003). The anoxic extractive membrane bioreactor. Elsevier Water Research vol. 37 (6), 1231-1238.  
  • Guiu F, Algueró M and Reece MJ (2003). Crack extension force and rate of mechanical work of fracture in linear dielectrics and piezoelectrics. Philosophical Magazine vol. 83 (7), 873-888.  
  • Zhang Z, Yan HX, Dong XL and Wang YL (2003). Preparation and electrical properties of bismuth layer-structured ceramic Bi3NbTiO9 solid solution. Mater Res Bull vol. 38 (2), 241-248.  
  • Han SJ, Luthra SS, Peeva L, Yang XJ and Livingston AG (2003). Insights into the Transport of Toluene and Phenol Through Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Membranes. Taylor & Francis Separation Science and Technology vol. 38 (9), 1899-1923.  
  • Lloyd SJ, P'ng KMY, Bushby AJ, Dunstan DJ and Clegg WJ (2003). Yield of InxGa1-xAs Superlattices Under Bending and Nanoindentation. Mrs Advances vol. 778 
  • Yakovlev D and Boek ES (2003). Structure of Bilayer Membranes of Gemini Surfactants with Rigid and Flexible Spacers from MD Simulations. Springer Nature  
  • Dunstan D, Bushby A and Gillin B (2003). III-V semiconductors solve mechanical riddle. III-Vs Review vol. 16 (9), 39-41.  
  • Jiang X and Luo KH (2003). Dynamics and structure of transitional buoyant jet diffusion flames with side-wall effects. Combustion and Flame vol. 133 (1-2), 29-45.  
  • Garcia-Mateo C, Caballero FG and Bhadeshia HKDH (2003). Development of Hard Bainite. Iron and Steel Institute of Japan Isij International vol. 43 (8) 
  • ROSE JW, Wang HS and Honda H (2003). Condensation of refrigerants in horizontal microfin tubes: comparison of correlations for pressure drop. Int. J. Refrigeration vol. 26, 461-472.  
  • WANG HS and Rose JW (2003). Condensation of refrigerants in horizontal microfin tubes: comparison of correlations for frictional pressure drop. International Journal of Refrigeration vol. 26 (4), 461-472.  
  • Garcia-Mateo C, Caballero FG and Bhadeshia HKDH (2003). Acceleration of Low-temperature Bainite. Iron and Steel Institute of Japan Isij International vol. 43 (11) 
  • Wei JJ, Yu B, Tao WQ, Kawaguchi Y and WANG HS (2003). A new high-order-accurate and bounded scheme for incompressible flow. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals vol. 43 (1), 19-41.  