Centre for Sustainable Engineering


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  • Schönjahn C, Humphreys CJ and Glick M (2002). Energy-filtered imaging in a field-emission scanning electron microscope for dopant mapping in semiconductors. Aip Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 92 (12), 7667-7671.  
  • Olsson O, Tanner KE, Ceder L and Ryd L (2002). A biomechanical study on fixation stability with twin hook or lag screw in artificial cancellous bone. Int Orthop vol. 26 (6), 349-355.  
  • Carpinteri A and Pugno N (2002). One, two, and three-dimensional universal laws for fragmentation due to impact and explosion. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions Asme vol. 69 (6), 854-856.  
  • Cocchini U, Nicolella C and Livingston AG (2002). Countercurrent transport of organic and water molecules through thin film composite membranes in aqueous–aqueous extractive membrane processes. Part II: theoretical analysis. Elsevier Chemical Engineering Science vol. 57 (21), 4461-4473.  
  • Cho HK, Lee JY, Sharma N, Humphreys CJ, Yang GM, Kim CS, Song JH and Yu PW (2002). Response to “Comment on ‘Effect of growth interruptions on the light emission and indium clustering of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells’ ” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 3100 (2002)]. Aip Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 81 (16), 3102-3103.  
  • Cocchini U, Nicolella C and Livingston AG (2002). Countercurrent transport of organic and water molecules through thin film composite membranes in aqueous–aqueous extractive membrane processes. Part I: experimental characterisation. Elsevier Chemical Engineering Science vol. 57 (19), 4087-4098.  
  • Ferreira FC, Han S and Livingston AG (2002). Recovery of Aniline from Aqueous Solution Using the Membrane Aromatic Recovery System (MARS). American Chemical Society (Acs) Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research vol. 41 (22), 5538-5538.  
  • Boek ES, Jusufi A, Löwen H and Maitland GC (2002). Molecular design of responsive fluids: molecular dynamics studies of viscoelastic surfactant solutions. Iop Publishing Journal of Physics Condensed Matter vol. 14 (40) 
  • Keast VJ, Scott AJ, Kappers MJ, Foxon CT and Humphreys CJ (2002). Electronic structure of GaN and InxGa1-xN measured with electron energy-loss spectroscopy. American Physical Society (Aps) Physical Review B vol. 66 (12) 
  • Patterson DA, Metcalfe IS, Xiong F and Livingston AG (2002). Biodegradability of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates subjected to wet air oxidation. Wiley Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology vol. 77 (9), 1039-1049.  
  • Algueró M, Bushby AJ, Reece MJ and Seifert A (2002). Anelastic deformation of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films by non-180° ferroelectric domain wall movements during nanoindentation. Applied Physics Letters vol. 81 (3), 421-423.  
  • Scarpello JT, Nair D, dos Santos LMF, White LS and Livingston AG (2002). The separation of homogeneous organometallic catalysts using solvent resistant nanofiltration. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 203 (1-2), 71-85.  
  • Rich J, Tuominen J, Kylma J, Seppala J, Nazhat SN and Tanner KE (2002). Lactic acid based PEU/HA and PEU/BCP composites: Dynamic mechanical characterization of hydrolysis. J Biomed Mater Res vol. 63 (3), 346-353.  
  • Elliott SL, Broom RF and Humphreys CJ (2002). Dopant profiling with the scanning electron microscope—A study of Si. Aip Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 91 (11), 9116-9122.  
  • Luthra SS, Yang X, dos Santos LMF, White LS and Livingston AG (2002). Homogeneous phase transfer catalyst recovery and re-use using solvent resistant membranes. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 201 (1-2), 65-75.  
  • Ferreira FC, Han S and Livingston AG (2002). Recovery of Aniline from Aqueous Solution Using the Membrane Aromatic Recovery System (MARS). American Chemical Society (Acs) Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research vol. 41 (11), 2766-2774.  
  • Chen GS, Lee PY, Boothroyd CB and Humphreys CJ (2002). Crystallization transformations in vacuum-deposited amorphous aluminum fluoride self-developing thin-film resists induced by electron-beam irradiation. American Vacuum Society Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology a Vacuum Surfaces and Films vol. 20 (3), 986-990.  
  • Carpinteri A and Pugno N (2002). A fractal comminution approach to evaluate the drilling energy dissipation. International Journal For Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics vol. 26 (5), 499-513.  
  • Han S, Puech L, Law RV, Steinke JHG and Livingston A (2002). Selection of elastomeric membranes for the separation of organic compounds in acidic media. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 199 (1-2), 1-11.  
  • Wei JJ, Yu B, Wang HS and Tao WQ (2002). Numerical study of simultaneous natural convection heat transfer from both surfaces of a uniformly heated thin plate with arbitrary inclination. Heat Mass Transfer vol. 38 (4-5), 309-317.  
  • Cocchini U, Nicolella C and Livingston AG (2002). Braided silicone rubber membranes for organic extraction from aqueous solutions II. Application to contained liquid membranes. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 199 (1-2), 101-115.  
  • Cocchini U, Nicolella C and Livingston AG (2002). Braided silicone rubber membranes for organic extraction from aqueous solutions I. Mass transport studies. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 199 (1-2), 85-99.  
  • Chin J, Boek ES and Coveney PV (2002). Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the flow of binary immiscible fluids with different viscosities using the Shan-Chen microscopic interaction model. The Royal Society Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society a Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences vol. 360 (1792), 547-558.  
  • Caballero FG, Bhadeshia HKDH, Mawella KJA, Jones DG and Brown P (2002). Very strong low temperature bainite. Sage Publications Materials Science and Technology vol. 18 (3), 279-284.  
  • WANG HS, Nozu S and Honda H (2002). Modified Theoretical Models of Film Condensation in Horizontal Microfin Tubes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 45 (7), 1513-1523.  
  • Orlovskaya N, Gogotsi Y, Reece M, Cheng B and Ion Gibson (2002). Ferroelasticity and hysteresis in LaCoO3 based perovskites. Acta Materialia vol. 50 (4), 715-723.  
  • Smoukov SK, Quaroni L, Wang X, Doan PE, Hoffman BM and Que L (2002). Electron−Nuclear Double Resonance Spectroscopic Evidence for a Hydroxo-Bridge Nucleophile Involved in Catalysis by a Dinuclear Hydrolase. American Chemical Society (Acs) Journal of The American Chemical Society vol. 124 (11), 2595-2603.  
  • Smoukov SK, Kopp DA, Valentine AM, Davydov R, Lippard SJ and Hoffman BM (2002). Product Binding to the Diiron(III) and Mixed-Valence Diiron Centers of Methane Monooxygenase Hydroxylase Studied by 1,2H and 19F ENDOR Spectroscopy. American Chemical Society (Acs) Journal of The American Chemical Society vol. 124 (11), 2657-2663.  
  • Smoukov SK, Telser J, Bernat BA, Rife CL, Armstrong RN and Hoffman BM (2002). EPR Study of Substrate Binding to the Mn(II) Active Site of the Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance Enzyme FosA: A Better Way To Examine Mn(II). American Chemical Society (Acs) Journal of The American Chemical Society vol. 124 (10), 2318-2326.  
  • Nair D, Scarpello JT, White LS, dos Santos LMF, Vankelecom IFJ and Livingston AG (2002). ChemInform Abstract: Semi‐Continuous Nanofiltration‐Coupled Heck Reactions as a New Approach to Improve Productivity of Homogeneous Catalysts. Wiley Cheminform vol. 33 (5), no-no.  
  • Honda H, Wang HS and Nozu S (2002). A theoretical study of film condensation in horizontal microfin tubes. J Heat Trans-T Asme vol. 124 (1), 94-101.  
  • Bonner M, Saunders LS, Ward IM, Davies GW, Wang M, Tanner KE and Bonfield W (2002). Anisotropic mechanical properties of oriented HAPEX (TM). J Mater Sci vol. 37 (2), 325-334.  
  • Reece MJ and Guiu F (2002). Toughening produced by crack-tip-stress-induced domain reorientation in ferroelectric and/or ferroelastic materials. Philosophical Magazine a: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties vol. 82 (1), 29-38.  
  • Yan HX, Li CG, Zhou JG, Zhu WM, He LX, Song YX and Yu YH (2002). Influence of sintering temperature on the properties of high T-c bismuth layer structure ceramics. Mat Sci Eng B-Solid vol. 88 (1), 62-67.  
  • Pugno N and Carpinteri A (2002). Strength, stability and size effects in the brittle behaviour of bonded joints under torsion: Theory and experimental assessment. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures vol. 25 (1), 55-62.  
  • Oliveira TAC, Scarpello JT and Livingston AG (2002). Pervaporation-biological oxidation hybrid process for removal of volatile organic compounds from wastewaters. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 195 (1), 75-88.  
  • Coveney PV, Griffin JLW, WATKINSON M, Whiting A and Boek ES (2002). Novel non-exfoliated clay-nanocomposite materials by in situ co-polymerisation of intercalated monomers: A combinatorial discovery approach. Mol. Sim. vol. 28 (3), 295-316.  
  • Kenyon AJ, Chryssou CE, Pitt CW, Shimizu-Iwayama T, Hole DE, Sharma N and Humphreys CJ (2002). Luminescence from erbium-doped silicon nanocrystals in silica: Excitation mechanisms. Aip Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 91 (1), 367-374.  
  • Nair D, Scarpello JT, Vankelecom IFJ, Dos Santos LMF, White LS, Kloetzing RJ, Welton T and Livingston AG (2002). Increased catalytic productivity for nanofiltration-coupled Heck reactions using highly stable catalyst systems. Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) Green Chemistry vol. 4 (4), 319-324.  
  • Carpinteri A and Pugno N (2002). Fractal fragmentation theory for shape effects of quasi-brittle materials in compression. Magazine of Concrete Research vol. 54 (6), 473-480.  
  • Pugno N and Ruotolo R (2002). Evaluation of torsional natural frequencies for non-tubular bonded joints. Structural Engineering and Mechanics vol. 13 (1), 91-101.  