
Diversifying the curriculum through community-based learning and teaching

Principal investigator: Rehan SHAH
Co-investigator(s): Dr. Anne Preston (UCL)

Community-based learning and teaching in higher education, and other versions of it such as service learning, are now part of many syllabi worldwide. Diversification of the curriculum in this way can allow students to be exposed to different groups of people as well as develop a greater sense of confidence, sensitivity to issues of diversity and an increased capacity to manage issues of diversity positively. It also enables learner engagement and success through the potential to develop inclusive pedagogy.

This project represents an institution wide study to discover the potential barriers and opportunities to community-engaged learning and teaching approaches.
It uses a ‘students-as partners’ approach, where students interested in community-based learning take the leading role in the qualitative study. It is aimed at revealing the values and expectations, formal learning benefits and infrastructural considerations to implement this type of learning as part of future-facing curricula and provide recommendations for universities seeking to develop their own approaches towards facilitating community-based learning and teaching.

Journal Paper Publication: 

Shah R, Preston A and Dimova E (2023). Making community-based learning and teaching happen: findings from an institutional study. London Review of Education, UCL Press vol. 21 (1), 1-17.  

Conference Papers Presentations:

Shah R and Preston A (2023). Diversifying the curriculum through community-based learning and teaching.Queen Mary Festival of Education London, United Kingdom 18 Apr 2023 - 20 Apr 2023.

Shah R and Preston A (2022). Making Community-Based learning happen: an interview study of key stakeholders in UCL. UCL Education Conference London, United Kingdom 6 Apr 2022. 

Seminar Presentations: