Centre for Bioengineering


   2014   |   2013   |   2012   |   2011   |   2010   |   2009   |   2008   |   2007   |   2006   |   2005   |   2004   
  • Li J-PJ-P, Thompson G and Alonso-Rasgado T (2009). Simulation based Reliability Assessment of Services in the Context of Functional Products. Taylor & Francis Safety and Reliability vol. 29 (4), 47-78.  
  • Bédard MF, De Geest BG, Möhwald H, Sukhorukov GB and Skirtach AG (2009). Direction specific release from giant microgel-templated polyelectrolyte microcontainers. Soft Matter vol. 5 (20), 3927-3931.  
  • Palankar R, Skirtach AG, Kreft O, Bédard M, Garstka M, Gould K, Möhwald H, Sukhorukov GB, Winterhalter M and Springer S (2009). Controlled intracellular release of peptides from microcapsules enhances antigen presentation on MHC class I molecules. Small vol. 5 (19), 2168-2176.  
  • Gautrot JE and Zhu XX (2009). Shape memory polymers based on naturally-occurring bile acids. Macromolecules vol. 42 (19), 7324-7331.  
  • Trmcic-Cvitas J, Hasan E, Ramstedt M, Li X, Cooper MA, Abell C, Huck WTS and Gautrot JE (2009). Biofunctionalized protein resistant oligo(ethylene glycol)-derived polymer brushes as selective immobilization and sensing platforms. Biomacromolecules vol. 10 (10), 2885-2894.  
  • Palankar R, Skirtach AG, Kreft O, Bédard M, Garstka M, Gould K, Möhwald H, Sukhorukov GB, Winterhalter M and Springer S (2009). Intracellular transport: Small 19/2009. Wiley Small vol. 5 (19) 
  • Zakkar M, Van der Heiden K, Luong LA, Chaudhury H, Cuhlmann S, Hamdulay SS, Krams R, Edirisinghe I, Rahman I, Carlsen H, Haskard DO, Mason JC and Evans PC (2009). Activation of Nrf2 in Endothelial Cells Protects Arteries From Exhibiting a Proinflammatory State. Wolters Kluwer Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology vol. 29 (11), 1851-1857.  
  • Morales MP, Bédard MF, Roca AG, De La Presa P, Hernando A, Zhang F, Zanella M, Zahoor AA, Sukhorukov GB, Del Mercato LL and Parak WJ (2009). Relaxation times of colloidal iron platinum in polymer matrixes. Journal of Materials Chemistry vol. 19 (35), 6381-6386.  
  • Kamarun D, Zheng XW, Milanesi L, Hunter CA and Krause S (2009). A peptide cross-linked polyacrylamide hydrogel for the detection of human neutrophil elastase. Electrochimica Acta vol. 54 (22), 4985-4990.  
  • Akanji OO, Salter DM and Chowdhury TT (2009). 458 DYNAMIC COMPRESSION ALTERS NF?B ACTIVATION AND I?B-α EXPRESSION IN IL-1β STIMULATED CHONDROCYTE/AGAROSE CONSTRUCTS. Elsevier Osteoarthritis and Cartilage vol. 17, s245-s246.  
  • Neira IS, Kolen'ko YV, Lebedev OI, Van Tendeloo G, Gupta HS, Matsushita N, Yoshimura M and Guitián F (2009). Rational synthesis of a nanocrystalline calcium phosphate cement exhibiting rapid conversion to hydroxyapatite. Materials Science and Engineering C vol. 29 (7), 2124-2132.  
  • Su L, Lee TH and Elliott SR (2009). Evanescent-wave excitation of surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates by an optical-fiber taper. Optica Publishing Group Optics Letters vol. 34 (17), 2685-2687.  
  • Raveenthiran SP and Chowdhury TT (2009). Dynamic compression inhibits fibronectin fragment induced iNOS and COX-2 expression in chondrocyte/agarose constructs. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology vol. 8 (4), 273-283.  
  • Screen HRC and Evans SL (2009). Measuring strain distributions in the tendon using confocal microscopy and finite elements. J Strain Anal Eng vol. 44 (5), 327-335.  
  • De Geest BG, Sukhorukov GB and Möhwald H (2009). The pros and cons of polyelectrolyte capsules in drug delivery. Expert Opinion On Drug Delivery vol. 6 (6), 613-624.  
  • Su L, Rowlands CJ and Elliott SR (2009). Nanostructures fabricated in chalcogenide glass for use as surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates. Optica Publishing Group Optics Letters vol. 34 (11), 1645-1647.  
  • Zeng L, Zampetaki A, Margariti A, Pepe AE, Alam S, Martin D, Xiao Q, Wang W, Jin ZG, Cockerill G, Mori K, Li YSJ, Hu Y, Chien S and Xu Q (2009). Sustained activation of XBP1 splicing leads to endothelial apoptosis and atherosclerosis development in response to disturbed flow. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America vol. 106 (20), 8326-8331.  
  • Lee TH, Simdyankin SI, Su L and Elliott SR (2009). Evidence of formation of tightly bound rare-earth clusters in chalcogenide glasses and their evolution with glass composition. American Physical Society (Aps) Physical Review B vol. 79 (18) 
  • Bédard MF, Sadasivan S, Sukhorukov GB and Skirtach A (2009). Assembling polyelectrolytes and porphyrins into hollow capsules with laser-responsive oxidative properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry vol. 19 (15), 2226-2233.  
  • Herbst R, Iskratsch T, Unger E and Bittner RE (2009). Aberrant development of neuromuscular junctions in glycosylation-defective Largemyd mice. Elsevier Neuromuscular Disorders vol. 19 (5), 366-378.  
  • Farkhatdinov I, Ryu J-H and Poduraev J (2009). A user study of command strategies for mobile robot teleoperation. Springer Nature Intelligent Service Robotics vol. 2 (2), 95-104.  
  • Stair JL, Watkinson M and Krause S (2009). Sensor materials for the detection of proteases. Biosensors and Bioelectronics vol. 24 (7), 2113-2118.  
  • Gutternigg M, Rendić D, Voglauer R, Iskratsch T and Wilson IBH (2009). Mammalian cells contain a second nucleocytoplasmic hexosaminidase. Portland Press Biochemical Journal vol. 419 (1), 83-90.  
  • Tse ZTH, Janssen H, Hamed A, Ristic M, Young I and Lamperth M (2009). Magnetic resonance elastography hardware design: A survey. Sage Publications Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine vol. 223 (4), 497-514.  
  • Knight MM, Mcglashan SR, Garcia M, Jensen CG and Poole CA (2009). Articular chondrocytes express connexin 43 hemichannels and P2 receptors - A putative mechanoreceptor complex involving the primary cilium? Journal of Anatomy vol. 214 (2), 275-283.  
  • Benecke G, Kerschnitzki M, Fratzl P and Gupta HS (2009). Digital image correlation shows localized deformation bands in inelastic loading of fibrolamellar bone. Journal of Materials Research vol. 24 (2), 421-429.  
  • Maeda E, Shelton JC, Bader DL and Lee DA (2009). Differential regulation of gene expression in isolated tendon fascicles exposed to cyclic tensile strain in vitro. Journal of Applied Physiology vol. 106 (2), 506-512.  
  • Low HT, Sui Y, Chew YT and Roy P (2009). The transient deformation of red blood cells in shear flow. Modern Physics Letters B vol. 23 (3), 545-548.  
  • Cheng C, Tempel D, van Haperen R, van Damme L, Algür M, Krams R and de Crom R (2009). Activation of MMP8 and MMP13 by angiotensin II correlates to severe intra-plaque hemorrhages and collagen breakdown in atherosclerotic lesions with a vulnerable phenotype. Elsevier Atherosclerosis vol. 204 (1), 26-33.  
  • De Geest BG, De Koker S, Sukhorukov GB, Kreft O, Parak WJ, Skirtach AG, Demeester J, De Smedt SC and Hennink WE (2009). Polyelectrolyte microcapsules for biomedical applications. Soft Matter vol. 5 (2), 282-291.  
  • Selina OE, Belov SI, Vlasova NN, Balysheva VI, Churin AI, Bartkoviak A, Sukhorukov GB and Markvicheva EA (2009). [Biodegradable microcapsules containing DNA for the new DNA vaccine design]. Bioorganicheskaia Khimiia vol. 35 (1), 113-121.  
  • Gautrot JE, Hodge P, Helliwell M, Raftery J and Cupertino D (2009). Synthesis of electron-accepting polymers containing phenanthra-9,10-quinone units. Journal of Materials Chemistry vol. 19 (24), 4148-4156.  
  • Hodge P and Gautrot JE (2009). Polymers containing in-chain quinone moieties: synthesis and properties. Polymer International vol. 58 (3), 261-266.  
  • Antipina MN, Kiryukhin MV, Chong K, Low HY and Sukhorukov GB (2009). Patterned microcontainers as novel functional elements for μtAS and LOC. Lab On a Chip vol. 9 (10), 1472-1475.  
  • Bédard MF, Munoz-Javier A, Mueller R, Del Pino P, Fery A, Parak WJ, Skirtach AG and Sukhorukov GB (2009). On the mechanical stability of polymeric microcontainers functionalized with nanoparticles. Soft Matter vol. 5 (1), 148-155.  
  • Chen XB, Yu P, Sui Y, Winoto SH and Low HT (2009). Natural convection in a cavity filled with porous layers on the top and bottom walls. Transport in Porous Media vol. 78 (2), 259-276.  
  • Gautrot JE and Zhu XX (2009). Macrocyclic bile acids: from molecular recognition to degradable biomaterial building blocks. Journal of Materials Chemistry vol. 19 (32), 5705-5716.  
  • Sui Y, Chew YT, Roy P and Low HT (2009). Inertia effect on the transient deformation of elastic capsules in simple shear flow. Computers and Fluids vol. 38 (1), 49-59.  
  • SCREEN H (2009). Hierarchical approaches to understanding tendon mechanics. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering vol. 4 (4), 481-499.  
  • Wen PH, Hon YC and Wang W (2009). Dynamic responses of shear flows over a deformable porous surface layer in a cylindrical tube. Appl Math Model vol. 33 (1), 423-436.  
  • Selina OE, Belov SY, Vlasova NN, Balysheva VI, Churin AI, Bartkoviak A, Sukhorukov GB and Markvicheva EA (2009). Biodegradable microcapsules with entrapped DNA for development of new DNA vaccines. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry vol. 35 (1), 103-110.  