Centre for Bioengineering


   2008   |   2007   |   2006   |   2005   |   2004   |   2003   |   2002   |   2001   |   2000   |   1999   |   1998   
  • Petrov AI, Antipov AA and Sukhorukov GB (2003). Base-acid equilibria in polyelectrolyte systems: From weak polyelectrolytes to interpolyelectrolyte complexes and multilayered polyelectrolyte shells. Macromolecules vol. 36 (26), 10079-10086.  
  • Prevot M, Cordeiro AL, Sukhorukov GB, Lvov Y, Besser RS and Möhwald H (2003). Design of a Microfluidic System to Investigate the Mechanical Properties of Layer-by-Layer Fabricated Capsules. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering vol. 288 (12), 915-919.  
  • Shchukin DG and Sukhorukov GB (2003). Synthesis of binary polyelectrolyte/inorganic composite capsules of micron size. Colloid and Polymer Science vol. 281 (12), 1201-1204.  
  • Shchukin DG, Radtchenko IL and Sukhorukov GB (2003). Photoinduced Reduction of Silver inside Microscale Polyelectrolyte Capsules. Chemphyschem vol. 4 (10), 1101-1103.  
  • Shchukin DG, Sukhorukov GB and Möhwald H (2003). Biomimetic fabrication of nanoengineered hydroxyapatite/polyelectrolyte composite shell. Chemistry of Materials vol. 15 (20), 3947-3950.  
  • Diamantopoulos L, Liu X, De Scheerder I, Krams R, Li S, Van Cleemput J, Desmet W and Serruys PW (2003). The effect of reduced blood-flow on the coronary wall temperatureAre significant lesions suitable for intravascular thermography? Oxford University Press (Oup) European Heart Journal vol. 24 (19), 1788-1795.  
  • Shchukin DG, Ustinovich E, Sviridov DV, Lvov YM and Sukhorukov GB (2003). Photocatalytic microreactors based on TiO2-modified polyelectrolyte multilayer capsules. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences vol. 2 (10), 975-977.  
  • van Haperen R, Cheng C, Mees BME, van Deel E, de Waard M, van Damme LCA, van Gent T, van Aken T, Krams R, Duncker DJ and de Crom R (2003). Functional Expression of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Fused to Green Fluorescent Protein in Transgenic Mice. Elsevier American Journal of Pathology vol. 163 (4), 1677-1686.  
  • Shchukin DG, Sukhorukov GB and Möhwald H (2003). Smart inorganic/organic nanocomposite hollow microcapsules. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition vol. 42 (37), 4472-4475.  
  • Shchukin DG, Sukhorukov GB and Möhwald H (2003). Smart Inorganic/Organic Nanocomposite Hollow Microcapsules. Wiley Angewandte Chemie vol. 115 (37), 4610-4613.  
  • Glinel K, Sukhorukov GB, Möhwald H, Khrenov V and Tauer K (2003). Thermosensitive Hollow Capsules Based on Thermoresponsive Polyelectrolytes. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics vol. 204 (14), 1784-1790.  
  • Shabarchina LI, Montrel MM, Sukhorukov GB and Sukhorukov BI (2003). The structure of multilayer films of DNA-aliphatic amine is preparation technique dependent. Thin Solid Films vol. 440 (1-2), 217-222.  
  • Chowdhury TT, Bader DL, Shelton JC and Lee DA (2003). Temporal regulation of chondrocyte metabolism in agarose constructs subjected to dynamic compression. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics vol. 417 (1), 105-111.  
  • Balabushevich NG, Tiourina OP, Volodkin DV, Larionova NI and Sukhorukov GB (2003). Loading the multilayer dextran sulfate/protamine microsized capsules with peroxidase. Biomacromolecules vol. 4 (5), 1191-1197.  
  • Chowdhury TT, Bader DL and Lee DA (2003). Dynamic compression counteracts IL-1 beta-induced release of nitric oxide and PGE2 by superficial zone chondrocytes cultured in agarose constructs. Osteoarthritis Cartilage vol. 11 (9), 688-696.  
  • Antipov AA, Shchukin D, Fedutik Y, Petrov AI, Sukhorukov GB and Möhwald H (2003). Carbonate microparticles for hollow polyelectrolyte capsules fabrication. Colloids and Surfaces a: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects vol. 224 (1-3), 175-183.  
  • Berzina T, Erokhina S, Shchukin D, Sukhorukov G and Erokhin V (2003). Deposition and patterning of polymeric capsule layers. Macromolecules vol. 36 (17), 6493-6496.  
  • Berry CC, Shelton JC, Bader DL and Lee DA (2003). Influence of external uniaxial cyclic strain on oriented fibroblast-seeded collagen gels. Tissue Eng vol. 9 (4), 613-624.  
  • Damien E, Hing K, Saeed S and Revell PA (2003). A preliminary study on the enhancement of the osteointegration of a novel synthetic hydroxyapatite scaffold in vivo. J Biomed Mater Res A vol. 66 (2), 241-246.  
  • Dong WF, Sukhorukov GB and Möhwald H (2003). Enhanced Raman imaging and optical spectra of gold nanoparticle doped microcapsules. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics vol. 5 (14), 3003-3012.  
  • Wentzel JJ, Janssen E, Vos J, Schuurbiers JCH, Krams R, Serruys PW, de Feyter PJ and Slager CJ (2003). Extension of Increased Atherosclerotic Wall Thickness Into High Shear Stress Regions Is Associated With Loss of Compensatory Remodeling. Wolters Kluwer Circulation vol. 108 (1), 17-23.  
  • Wang W, Winlove CP and Michel CC (2003). Oxygen partial pressure in outer layers of skin of human finger nail folds. J Physiol-London vol. 549 (3), 855-863.  
  • Saphiannikova M, Radtchenko I, Sukhorukov G, Shchukin D, Yakimansky A and Ilnytskyi J (2003). Molecular-dynamics simulations and x-ray analysis of dye precipitates in the polyelectrolyte microcapsules. Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 118 (19), 9007-9014.  
  • Shchukin DG and Sukhorukov GB (2003). Selective YF3 nanoparticle formation in polyelectrolyte capsules as microcontainers for yttrium recovery from aqueous solutions. Langmuir vol. 19 (10), 4427-4431.  
  • Carlier SG, van Damme LCA, Blommerde CP, Wentzel JJ, van Langehove G, Verheye S, Kockx MM, Knaapen MWM, Cheng C, Gijsen F, Duncker DJ, Stergiopulos N, Slager CJ, Serruys PW and Krams R (2003). Augmentation of Wall Shear Stress Inhibits Neointimal Hyperplasia After Stent Implantation. Wolters Kluwer Circulation vol. 107 (21), 2741-2746.  
  • Shchukin DG, Dong W and Sukhorukov GB (2003). Spatially confined tungstate ion polymerization in microcapsules. Macromolecular Rapid Communications vol. 24 (7), 462-466.  
  • Wentzel JJ, Gijsen FJH, Stergiopulos N, Serruys PW, Slager CJ and Krams R (2003). Shear stress, vascular remodeling and neointimal formation. Elsevier Journal of Biomechanics vol. 36 (5), 681-688.  
  • Lulevich VV, Radtchenko IL, Sukhorukov GB and Vinogradova OI (2003). Mechanical properties of polyelectrolyte microcapsules filled with a neutral polymer. Macromolecules vol. 36 (8), 2832-2837.  
  • Knight MM, Roberts SR, Lee DA and Bader DL (2003). Live cell imaging using confocal microscopy induces intracellular calcium transients and cell death. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol vol. 284 (4), C1083-C1089.  
  • KRAMS R, SEGERS D, GOURABI BM, MAAT W, CHENG C, VAN PELT C, VAN DAMME LCA, DE FEYTER P, VAN DER STEEN T, DE KORTE CL and SERRUYS PW (2003). Inflammation and Atherosclerosis:. Wiley Journal of Interventional Cardiology vol. 16 (2), 107-113.  
  • Lulevich VV, Radtchenko IL, Sukhorukov GB and Vinogradova OI (2003). Deformation properties of nanoadhesive polyelectrolyte microcapsules studied with the atomic force microscope. Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 107 (12), 2735-2740.  
  • Antipov AA, Sukhorukov GB and Möhwald H (2003). Influence of the ionic strength on the polyelectrolyte multilayers' permeability. Langmuir vol. 19 (6), 2444-2448.  
  • Lusquiños F, De Carlos A, Pou J, Arias JL, Boutinguiza M, León B, Pérez-Amor M, Driessens FCM, Hing K, Gibson I, Best S and Bonfield W (2003). Calcium phosphate coatings obtained by Nd:YAG laser cladding: physicochemical and biologic properties. J Biomed Mater Res A vol. 64 (4), 630-637.  
  • Antipov A, Shchukin D, Fedutik Y, Zanaveskina I, Klechkovskaya V, Sukhorukov G and Möhwald H (2003). Urease-catalyzed carbonate precipitation inside the restricted volume of polyelectrolyte capsules. Macromolecular Rapid Communications vol. 24 (3), 274-277.  
  • Shchukin DG, Radtchenko IL and Sukhorukov GB (2003). Micron-scale hollow polyelectrolyte capsules with nanosized magnetic Fe3O4 inside. Materials Letters vol. 57 (11), 1743-1747.  
  • Shenoy DB, Antipov AA, Sukhorukov GB and Möhwald H (2003). Layer-by-layer engineering of biocompatible, decomposable core-shell structures. Biomacromolecules vol. 4 (2), 265-272.  
  • Gaponik N, Radtchenko IL, Gerstenberger MR, Fedutik YA, Sukhorukov GB and Rogach AL (2003). Labeling of biocompatible polymer microcapsules with near-infrared emitting nanocrystals. Nano Letters vol. 3 (3), 369-372.  
  • Petrov AI, Gavryushkin AV and Sukhorukov GB (2003). Effect of temperature, pH and shell thickness on the rate of Mg2+ and Ox2- release from multilayered polyelectrolyte shells deposited onto microcrystals of magnesium oxalate. Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 107 (3), 868-875.  
  • Shchukin DG, Radtchenko IL and Sukhorukov GB (2003). Synthesis of nanosized magnetic ferrite particles inside hollow polyelectrolyte capsules. Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 107 (1), 86-90.  
  • Volodkin DV, Balabushevitch NG, Sukhorukov GB and Larionova NI (2003). Inclusion of proteins into polyelectrolyte microparticles by alternative adsorption of polyelectrolytes on protein aggregates. Biochemistry (Moscow) vol. 68 (2), 236-241.  
  • Bader DL, SHELTON JC, Knight MM and Sawae Y (2003). Confocal Analysis of Local and Cellular Strains in Chondrocyte - Agarose Constructs Subjected to Shear. J Biochemical Engineering Asme 