Centre for Bioengineering


   2006   |   2005   |   2004   |   2003   |   2002   |   2001   |   2000   |   1999   |   1998   |   1997   |   1996   
  • Balabushevitch NG, Sukhorukov GB, Moroz NA, Volodkin DV, Larionova NI, Donath E and Mohwald H (2001). Encapsulation of proteins by layer-by-layer adsorption of polyelectrolytes onto protein aggregates: Factors regulating the protein release. Biotechnology and Bioengineering vol. 76 (3), 207-213.  
  • Radtchenko IL, Sukhorukov GB, Gaponik N, Kornowski A, Rogach AL and Möhwald H (2001). Core-shell structures formed by the solvent-controlled precipitation of luminescent CdTe nanocrystals on latex spheres. Advanced Materials vol. 13 (22), 1684-1687.  
  • Davey K and Rasgado MTA (2001). Accurate evaluation of integrals present in reciprocity methods. Elsevier Computers & Structures vol. 79 (29-30), 2511-2526.  
  • Zou L, Samarawickrama DYD, Jovanovski V and Shelton JC (2001). Measurements of sequential impressions of acetabula cups from a total hip joint replacement using a non-contact measurement system. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture vol. 41 (13-14), 2023-2030.  
  • Thury A, Wentzel JJ, Schuurbiers JCH, Ligthart JMR, Krams R, de Feyter PJ, Serruys PW and Slager CJ (2001). Prominent Role of Tensile Stress in Propagation of a Dissection After Coronary Stenting. Wolters Kluwer Circulation vol. 104 (11), e53-e54.  
  • Tiourina OP, Antipov AA, Sukhorukov GB, Larionova NI, Lvov Y and Möhwald H (2001). Entrapment of α-Chymotrypsin into Hollow Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules. Macromolecular Bioscience vol. 1 (5), 209-214.  
  • Chowdhury TT, Bader DL and Lee DA (2001). Dynamic compression inhibits the synthesis of nitric oxide and PGE(2) by IL-1beta-stimulated chondrocytes cultured in agarose constructs. Biochem Biophys Res Commun vol. 285 (5), 1168-1174.  
  • Willemsen MJJMF, Duncker DJ, Krams R, Dijkman MA, Lamberts RR, Sipkema P and Westerhof N (2001). Decrease in coronary vascular volume in systole augments cardiac contraction. American Physiological Society Ajp Heart and Circulatory Physiology vol. 281 (2), h731-h737.  
  • Wentzel JJ, Kloet J, Andhyiswara I, Oomen JAF, Schuurbiers JCH, de Smet BJGL, Post MJ, de Kleijn D, Pasterkamp G, Borst C, Slager CJ and Krams R (2001). Shear-Stress and Wall-Stress Regulation of Vascular Remodeling After Balloon Angioplasty. Wolters Kluwer Circulation vol. 104 (1), 91-96.  
  • Trines SAIP, Slager CJ, Onderwater TAM, Lamers JMJ, Verdouw PD and Krams R (2001). Oxygen wastage of stunned myocardium in vivo is due to an increased oxygen cost of contractility and a decreased myofibrillar efficiency. Oxford University Press (Oup) Cardiovascular Research vol. 51 (1), 122-130.  
  • Knight MM, Ross JM, Sherwin AF, Lee DA, Bader DL and Poole CA (2001). Chondrocyte deformation within mechanically and enzymatically extracted chondrons compressed in agarose. Biochim Biophys Acta vol. 1526 (2), 141-146.  
  • Knight MM, Idowu BD, Lee DA and Bader DL (2001). Temporal changes in cytoskeletal organisation within isolated chondrocytes quantified using a novel image analysis technique. Med Biol Eng Comput vol. 39 (3), 397-404.  
  • Wentzel JJ, Krams R, Schuurbiers JCH, Oomen JA, Kloet J, van der Giessen WJ, Serruys PW and Slager CJ (2001). Relationship Between Neointimal Thickness and Shear Stress After Wallstent Implantation in Human Coronary Arteries. Wolters Kluwer Circulation vol. 103 (13), 1740-1745.  
  • Antipov AA, Sukhorukov GB, Donath E and Möhwald H (2001). Sustained release properties of polyelectrolyte multilayer capsules. Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 105 (12), 2281-2284.  
  • Dudnik V, Sukhorukov GB, Radtchenko IL and Möhwald H (2001). Coating of colloidal particles by controlled precipitation of polymers. Macromolecules vol. 34 (7), 2329-2334.  
  • Lvov Y, Antipov AA, Mamedov A, Möhwald H and Sukhorukov GB (2001). Urease Encapsulation in Nanoorganized Microshells. Nano Letters vol. 1 (3), 125-128.  
  • Bouten CVC, Knight MM, Lee DA and Bader DL (2001). Compressive deformation and damage of muscle cell subpopulations in a model system. Ann Biomed Eng vol. 29 (2), 153-163.  
  • Sukhorukov GB, Antipov AA, Voigt A, Donath E and M̈hwald H (2001). pH-controlled macromolecule encapsulation in and release from polyelectrolyte multilayer nanocapsules. Macromolecular Rapid Communications vol. 22 (1), 44-46.  
  • Roberts SR, Knight MM, Lee DA and Bader DL (2001). Mechanical compression influences intracellular Ca2+ signaling in chondrocytes seeded in agarose constructs. Journal of Applied Physiology vol. 90 (4), 1385-1391.  
  • Möhwald H, Lichtenfeld H, Moya S, Voigt A, Sukhorukov G, Leporatti S, Dähne L, Antipov A, Gao CY and Donath E (2001). From polymeric films to nanocapsules. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis vol. 132, 485-490.  
  • Willemsen MJJMF, Duncker DJ, Krams R, Dijkman MA, Lamberts RR, Sipkema P and Westerhof N (2001). Decrease in coronary vascular volume in systole augments cardiac contraction. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology vol. 281 (2 50-2) 