Centre for Bioengineering


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  • Hing KA, Best SM, Tanner KE, Bonfield W and Revell PA (1997). Biomechanical assessment of bone ingrowth in porous hydroxyapatite. J Mater Sci Mater Med vol. 8 (12), 731-736.  
  • Fan D, Soei LK, Stubenitsky R, Boersma E, Duncker DJ, Verdouw PD and Krams R (1997). Contribution of asynchrony and nonuniformity to mechanical interaction in normal and stunned myocardium. American Physiological Society American Journal of Physiology vol. 273 (5), h2146-h2154.  
  • Krams R, Wentzel JJ, Oomen JAF, Vinke R, Schuurbiers JCH, de Feyter PJ, Serruys PW and Slager CJ (1997). Evaluation of Endothelial Shear Stress and 3D Geometry as Factors Determining the Development of Atherosclerosis and Remodeling in Human Coronary Arteries in Vivo. Wolters Kluwer Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology vol. 17 (10), 2061-2065.  
  • van Blankenstein JH, Slager CJ, Soei LK, Boersma H, Stijnen T, Schuurbiers JCH, Krams R, Lachmann B and Verdouw PD (1997). Cardiac depression after experimental air embolism in pigs: role of addition of a surface-active agent1. Oxford University Press (Oup) Cardiovascular Research vol. 34 (3), 473-482.  
  • Montrel MM, Sukhorukov GB, Petrov AI, Shabarchina LI and Sukhorukov BI (1997). Spectroscopic study of thin multilayer films of the complexes of nucleic acids with cationic amphiphiles and polycations: Their possible use as sensor elements. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical vol. 42 (3 B), 225-231.  
  • van der Steen AFW, Rijsterborgh H, LancĂ©e CT, Mastik F, Krams R, Verdouw PD, Roelandt JRTC and Bom N (1997). Influence of data processing on cyclic variation of integrated backscatter and wall thickness in stunned porcine myocardium. Elsevier Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology vol. 23 (3), 405-414.  
  • Wang W and Michel CC (1997). Effects of anastomoses on salute transcapillary exchange in countercurrent systems. Microcirculation-London vol. 4 (3), 381-390.  
  • Fan D, Soei LK, Stubenitsky R, Boersma E, Duncker DJ, Verdouw PD and Krams R (1997). Contribution of asynchrony and nonuniformity to mechanical interaction in normal and stunned myocardium. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology vol. 273 (5 42-5) 