Proud to be an Engineer: Participate

Proud to be an Engineer is all about inspiring stories from real people with a background in engineering, science or technology.  We would like to hear your story.

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If you would like to chat to the team, please do contact us

About You
First name:
Address 1:
Address 2:

Please complete as applicable:

Current Job Role:
Current Research:

We are looking for individuals who would like to be inspiring role models to the next generation of engineers. Your statement of Interest should demonstrate why you would like to participate in Proud to be an Engineer. Please take this opportunity to tell us about yourself and your journey so far. We would like to know why you chose to pursue a career in engineering, for example, did you always know what you wanted to do, or did you discover engineering later in life? Were there challenges on the way, and if so how did you overcome these challenges?

Statement of Interest:
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