
Soft Matter Group Team Runners Up for the 2024 EuroEAP Challenge Competition

13 June 2024

Giacomo being awarded his runner up prize at EuroEAP 2024
Giacomo being awarded his runner up prize at EuroEAP 2024

Congratulations to Giacomo Sasso for being the runner up this year at the EuroEAP Society challenge at the Twelfth international Conference on Soft Transducers and Electromechanically Active Polymers (EuroEAP) in Stuttgart, Germany from the 11-13 June 2024

The winning project was supervised by Prof James Busfield and Prof Federico Carpi. James commented that “The competition entry video that Giacomo and the team put together was extremely professional and highlighted a new ultrathin tuneable lens for soft opto-mechatronics".

A second entry video from QMUL on a project led by Yutong Sun on our smart hip-band containing piezoresistive sensors for tracking motion and posture was also well received by the judging panel.

This was the second time that Giacomo has worked on a winning project having come first overall in the Challenge in 2023 for his 3D soft touch pad that changes colour with pressure. This highlights the wide range of exciting and interesting soft robotic projects that are under development at QMUL currently.

Contact:James Busfield
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