
Marc's low temperature electrospun scaffolds in German News

25 July 2008

Marc's low temperature electrospun scaffolds in German News
The German Tagesschau - the German version of BBC News - recently featured work by Marc Simonet, our Marie Curie Fellow, on tissue engineering scaffolds produced according to the "Low-Temperature Electro-Spinning Method" that Marc pioneered. Key focus of this research is to overcome a possible future shortness of meat by growing it in vitro.

In vitro meat, also known as laboratory-grown meat or cultured meat (not to be confused with imitation meat) is animal flesh that has never been part of a living animal. The research project into cultured meat started in 2005 in The Netherlands and is a collaboration between Eindhoven University of Technology, the University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University, in cooperation with sausage manufacturer Stegeman. Marc's research is in close collaboration with Eindhoven where his scaffolds are studied in bioreactors.

So far no meat has been produced yet for public consumption.

For more info (in German) see: and click on "Landwirtschaft II"

Updated by: Jonathon Hills