
SEMS Seminar Series: Prof Abel Nyamapfene, UCL

Prof Abel Nyamapfene (UCL)
Prof Abel Nyamapfene (UCL)

Date: Wednesday 19 June 2024 15:00 - 16:00

Location: Arts Two LT

Title: Advancing Academic Excellence: Leveraging Professional Development in the UCL Integrated Engineering Programme

In discussions on engineering education reform, the primary focus is almost always on curriculum and pedagogic innovation and reform. However, the success of such reforms hinges greatly on structural changes that are often overlooked, yet are crucially influential to the reform outcomes. One such area that is often overlooked is the professional development of the academics and professional services staff who are pivotal to the success of the engineering education reform process. This talk will focus on professional development initiatives that accompanied the introduction of the Integrated Engineering Programme (IEP), the student-centred, problem-based education framework for undergraduate engineering programmes at University College London (UCL). It will specifically highlight how continual skills development and enhancement came to be a central feature of the IEP, and how this has ultimately led the IEP to global prominence within engineering education.

This seminar is also part of the research seminar event series organised by the Centre for Research in Engineering and Materials Education (CREME).

Teams Link (ONLY for those in China)

Contact:Rehan Shah
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