ICTL – 2024-2025 Call for Teaching and Learning Projects

The International Centre for Teaching and Learning (ICTL) at Queen Mary Engineering School (QMES) is now opening a call for Teaching and Learning Projects for the period August 2024 – July 2025.

The funds available (up to £2,000 or CNY 18,000 per project) can be used to develop innovative approaches to Teaching and Learning, including the use of technology-enhanced learning, or pump-prime an area of pedagogical research or scholarship, with emphasis on developing impact on the Teaching and Learning activities at QMES.

Eligible costs: The project funds can be spent on a combination of the following: book purchase or similar, consumables, software licenses or small equipment unavailable in QMES, or similar expenditure. Expenditure on travel and organisation of events is possible, as long as it fits a specific purpose within a teaching and learning project. For example, travel costs to visit a project partner or funds to organise focused groups are allowed, but travel to a conference, or organisation of a seminar series, is not allowed.

Staff costs are not eligible. The ICTL can provide limited staff support in the form of Teaching Associate or PG Demonstrator hours, provided these are explained in alignment with the project aims. These costs should not be included in the total funds requested. Instead, the total hours should be requested. This support will not be available for tasks that can be reasonably expected to be carried out by the project team.  

Applicant eligibility: All academic and teaching staff within QMES are eligible to apply. Non-QMES QMUL and NPU staff are also eligible to apply, provided they have a QMES partner, and, can demonstrate potential impact at QMES. We especially welcome applications for projects where the team is composed of staff from both NPU and QMUL, although this is not an essential criterion. Each staff member may take on the role of Principal Investigator (PI) in one project only. Co-creation projects involving staff and students are also welcomed.

How to apply: Submit your application as a single pdf file to the email address below. Files should be named as “ProjectAcronym_Lead Applicant Surname_ICTL Project”. Your application should consist of the following sections:

  • a Project Outline (max. 1 A4 page) including Aims and Objectives, Project Details, a Summary of Expected Impact, and suitable References if applicable.
  • a Background page (max. 1 A4 page) detailing the team members (indicate the Project Lead) and their suitability with regards to the project. Any information regarding the module(s), student cohort or teaching environment on which the project will have direct impact, should be included here.
  • a Project Timeline page (max. 1 A4 page) detailing expected milestones.
  • a Project Costs page (max. 1 A4 page) detailing expected costs with a timeline of expenditure and requests for TA/PG hours. Information on quotes or links to online costing pages should be included here. All costs need to be reasonably explained here.
  • Applications that exceed the above limits will not be accepted.

Deadline to submit applications: 14th June, 2024.

The ICTL Scholarship fund is an annual call. The next ICTL proposal call is planned for May/June 2025.

Further particulars: Projects are expected to be completed by 31st July 2025, with project funds used by 1st July 2025. In exceptional circumstances, projects that require more than one year for completion will be allowed, provided that reasons for an extended project period is reasonably explained at the application submission stage, and, project funds have been spent before 1st July 2025. No payments will be authorised beyond this date.

Successful applicants will be required to submit project updates (Up to 1 A4 page report every 3 months, demonstrating the project is running within the expected timeline, or explaining any project delay) and a final project report not later than 31st July 2025 (Up to 10 A4 pages). Successful applicants will be required to present their project results at relevant local seminars, as agreed with the ICTL. It is expected that all future publications and conference presentations, or similar, arising from ICTL-funded projects will acknowledge ICTL support, and use ICTL branding and affiliation, in addition to other suitable institutional affiliation.

We welcome expressions of interest and further enquiries from potential applicants.   

Email address for further enquiries and application submissions:

s.vukusic@qmul.ac.uk and  deng.xinru@qmul.ac.uk